Mistakes ( A. Warren & K. Annon)

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Alex Warren- 38 Years Old, Married To Kouvr, Has A Son
Kouvr Annon- 37 Years Old, Married To Alex, Has A Son
Gage Liam Warren- 16 Years Old, Loves To Party, Has His License & His Own Truck


Gage: * going to a party he knows he's not supposed to be at*

Kouvr & Alex: * busy editing and working*

Gage: * drives to the party*

                                                                               At The Party

Gage: * goes to the drink station* let me get 5 shots of jacks and a white claw

Jace: I got you * pours him 5 shots of Jacks*

Gage: * takes all 5 shots, shotguns the white claw*

Jace: * smiles* you want a backwoods?

Gage: hell yea 

Jace: * gives him a backwoods*

- backwoods is a brand of blunt-

Gage: * lights it, smokes it*

Jace: I'm surprised your parents let you come

Gage: they didn't

Jace: ah, I see 

Gage: * takes 3 more shots of jacks, pours some vodka into a white claw, drinks it, keeps smoking the backwoods*

Jace: * serves drinks and blunts to other people*

                                                                                      3 Hours Later

Gage: * wasted drunk and high as fuck* 

Jace: * hasn't had anything to drink* you need a ride?

Gage: nahhhhh Im GoOd

Jace: you sure?

Gage: yEa * smoking another backwoods, stumbles outside, gets into his car, drives off*

Jace: * knows he isn't supposed to let him drive under the influence but cant stop him*

Gage: * keeps smoking and driving*

                                                                                    A Few Minutes Later

Gage: * swerves off the road, flips 4 times, ends up in the ditch*

                                                                                 At Home

Kouvr: * very worried since they can't find Gage and he isn't answering his phone*

Alex: I'm sure he is fine baby

Kouvr: well, we don't know! how are you so calm!

Alex: because I know he will come home eventually

                                                                           About An Hour Later

Alex: * gets a call from an unknown number, answers it* hello?

Officer: hello, is this Alex Warren?

Alex: yes, who is this?

Officer: I'm Officer Grant with the LAPD

Alex: yea?

Officer: I'm calling about your son Gage

Alex; yea, what about him?

Officer: he got into a very serious car accident as a result of being under the influence while driving

Alex: is he okay?!

Officer: he is in crucial condition

Alex: Okay, what hospital is he at?

Officer: LA regional Hospital

Alex: okay * hangs up*

KOuvr: * panicking* who was that?!

Alex: gage got into a very serious car accident, he was under the influence and driving

Kouvr: fuck...!

- Alex & Kouvr rush to the hospital-

                                                                   At The Hospital

Alex & Kouvr: * got told they aren't allowed in the room with Gage*

                                                                     45 Minutes Later

Doctor: * talking to Alex & Kouvr privately* I'm sorry but we tried everything, and we couldn't save your son, I'm sorry for your loss * leaves the room*

Alex: *holds Kouvr as she breaks down sobbing*

Kouvr: * sobs*

Alex: * cries*

                                                                         A Few Weeks Later
                                                                        At The Funeral

Alex: it shouldn't be this way, he should have been burying us, we shouldn't have been burying him, he left us too soon, I never thought I would have to bury my son but here we are because he made the dumb mistake of getting behind the wheel while he was under the influence

Kouvr: if this doesn't teach us something about driving while under the influence I don't know what will

                                                                              After The Funeral

Kouvr: I just don't understand why he would have gotten behind that wheel, he could have called us, he could have one of his friends drive him home

Alex: i don't understand either

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Stay Safe

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Have A Great Day!

Luv Infinite <3 

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