First Day Of School ( J. Hossler & N. Barrett)

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Jaden Hossler, 29 years old, Married To Nessa, Has 1 Son With Nessa
Nessa Barrett, 27 years old, Married To Jaden, Has 1 Son With Jaden
Leo Jaden Barrett-Hossler, 5 years old, going to be starting school


                                                    First Day Of School

Jaden: * downstairs, making breakfast with Nessa*

Nessa: I'm so excited for Leo to start school today

Jaden: yea, we'll get some alone time

Nessa: not only that, he will make some friends, maybe get a little girlfriend

Jaden: he is not going to have a girlfriend, he is too shy for that

Leo: * slowly creeps downstairs, creeps into the kitchen*

Jaden: Hey buddy * scruffs up his hair* ready for your first day of school?

Leo: no, I'm scared and nervous

Nessa: it's okay baby, everything will be just fine * makes plates for everyone*

Leo: * just picks at his food, eats very little*

                                                              After Breakfast

 Nessa: ill pack up Leo's backpack and lunch, you get him ready

Jaden: okay baby * gives her a kiss, goes upstairs with Leo* 

Nessa: * gets Leo's backpack and lunchbox packs an almond butter and grape jelly sandwich, a strawberry banana yogurt tube, a snack bag of goldfish, an m&m cookie, and an apple juice box, puts an ice pack in Leo's lunchbox, zips up Leo's lunchbox, packs a complete change of clothes, a folder for papers that come home,  his lunchbox, a pack of hand & face wipes, a pouch with his epi-pens, his asthma inhaler, his allergy skin rash cream, & bandaids in it, and his water bottle filled with ice water, zips up Leo's backpack, waits for Leo and Jaden, already dropped off all of Leo school supplies to his teacher so he doesn't have to carry them all day at school* 

                                                                    Leo's Room

Leo: * goes to his bathroom, goes potty, wipes, flushes, fixes his pants, goes over to the sink, stands on his step stool, washes and dries his hands, brushes his teeth, rinses his mouth out, dries his mouth, gets off the step stool, goes to his room*

Jaden: * helps Leo get undressed, puts Leo's pajamas in the dirty laundry basket, dresses him in clean underwear, a blue button-up shirt, black jeans, socks, and air forces, does Leo's hair* looking good * takes some pictures, posts them on Instagram, goes downstairs with Leo*


Nessa: aw look at my little man * hugs Leo tightly, kisses his head*

Leo: * smiles* love you mama

Nessa: love you too baby 

Jaden: what about me?

Leo: * giggles* love you too daddy

Jaden: love you too buddy 


Leo: * climbs into the car, buckles himself up, in a kids booster seat, holds his backpack*

Nessa: * gets in the driver's seat, buckles up*

Jaden: * gets in the passenger seat, buckles up*


Leo: * unbuckles himself, takes a deep breath, slowly gets out of the car*

Jaden: you're going to do awesome

Nessa: yea, believe in yourself

Leo: okay mama and daddy, love you so much, bye-bye

Jaden: bye buddy, love you too

Nessa: bye baby, love you too, have a great day

Leo: I will * get out, goes inside*

Jaden & Nessa: * goes home*

                                                                    Time Skip

Leo: * sees his parent's car pull up, runs to the car, gets inside* I had so much fun today 

Nessa: that's good baby, did you make any friends?

Leo: yea!! Their names are Isaiah, Nicole, and Blake

Nessa: that's awesome 

Jaden: awesome buddy

Leo: I cant wait for tomorrow!!

Nessa & Jaden: * smiles*

Hope you guys/girls/non-binary/a-gender people are enjoying my book so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment " Book Worm" and as always be safe, be nice to each other, and have a great day!!!!
                                                                                                                              Luv Infinite <3

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