Run Away ( D. D'Amelio & N. Beck)

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Request By swaylaxhosie

Dixie D'Amelio- 30 Years Old, Dating Noah, Had A Daughter With Griffin Before They Broke Up
Noah Beck- 30 Years Old, Dating Dixie, Treats Dixie's Daughter As If She Was His Own
Olivia Jane D'Amelio- 8 Years Old, Still Allowed To See Griffin


Olivia: * in her room*

Noah: * talking with Dixie* do you think we should tell her yet?

Dixie: I don't know baby

Noah: I'm ready when you're ready baby

Dixie: * sighs* let's do this

Noah: Okay


Olivia: COMING! * goes downstairs* yes mama?

Dixie: Noah & I want to tell you something

Olivia: * sits down* what is it, mama?

Dixie: Noah & I are getting married

Olivia: * gets mad, doesn't want them to get married* no, don't get married

Noah: why not Hunny?

Olivia: because you'll take my mom away from me!

Dixie: no baby, us getting married doesn't mean he is taking me away from you

Olivia: * runs upstairs to her room, slams her bedroom door*

Dixie: * frowns* I didn't expect her to take it that way

Noah: me either baby * hugs Dixie, kisses her head*

Olivia: * knows her dad has clothes and stuff for her at his house, gets her phone, AirPods, and phone charger puts them in a small purse, puts on some shoes, sneaks out of her room, sneaks out of the house without being seen, walks to Griffin's house*

Dixie: * crying into Noah's chest*

Noah: * trying to soothe her* should I talk to her?

Dixie: * nods, wipes her eyes*

Noah: Okay baby * goes upstairs, looks into Olivia's room, goes into her room* Olivia?! * goes downstairs* she's not in her room

Dixie: I'm sure she is here somewhere * goes upstairs, looks for Olivia*

                                                          15 Minutes Later

Dixie: * freaking out, can't find Olivia, tried calling her but got no answer*

Olivia: * at griffin's house, told him everything*

Griffin: why didn't you tell your mom you were coming here? she is probably very worried right now

Olivia: no she isn't, she doesn't care about me anymore, she's going to get married to Noah and forget all about me

Griffin: that's not true at all baby, she will always loves you no matter what

Olivia: pfft, yea right

Griffin: * sighs, shakes his head, gets a call from dixie, answers it* hey Dixie

Dixie: * freaking out* is Olivia there?!

Griffin: yea, don't worry, she is safe with me

Dixie: thank god...

Griffin: do you need me to bring her back?

Dixie: if she wants to then yea but if not, no

Griffin: do you want to go back to mama?

Olivia: * shakes her head*

Griffin: she doesn't want to, ill keep her for the weekend if that is okay

Dixie: yea that's fine, as long as she is safe

Griffin: you know ill keep my baby girl safe

Dixie: thank you griffin * hangs up, breaths a sigh of relief*

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Luv Infinite <3

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