Nightmare ( V. Hacker & K.Cyr)

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Vinnie Hacker, 27 years old, Married to  Kio, Had his daughter via Surrogate
Kio Cyr, 25 years old, Married to  Vinnie, Had his Daughter via Surrogate 
Grace Stromi Cyr-Hacker, 5 years old


Grace: * wakes up at 2:37 am from a nightmare, screams and sobs* 

Kio: * jolted awake, gets out of bed, slowly and quietly goes to Grace's room*

                                                                 Grace's Room 

Kio: whats wrong baby?

Grace: * sobbing, making grabby hands at Kio* 

Kio: * picks her up* what happened baby girl? 

Grace: n-n-nightmare-e-e

Kio: * wipes her eyes, rocks her slowly* what happened in your nightmare

Grace: daddy hurt you and me 

Kio: oh baby, daddy would never ever in a million years hurt me or you, he loves us too much to do that

Grace: he was very scary, he was punching you hard, you were bleeding papa!!

Kio: oh baby, daddy would never hurt us 

Grace: but what if he does?

Kio: I know he wont, he loves us way to much to hurt us for any reason 

Grace: otay * rests her head on his shoulder* can I sleep with you and daddy for the rest of tonight?

Kio: sure baby girl * carries her to their bedroom, lays down with her next to him, cudles her, falls asleep* 

Grace: * snuggles into his chest, falls asleep* 

Hope you guys are enjoying my book so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment " Pineapple llama mama" and as always be safe, be nice to each other and have a great day!!!
                                                                                                                              Luv Infinite <3

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