Saying Goodbye ( A. Akers & K. Ramey)

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Ace Akers- 24 Years Old, Dating Kristian, Had His Child With Someone Else But She Left Him
Kristian Ramey- 25 Years Old, Treats & Loves Ace's Child As His Own Child
Atlas Finlay Akers- 5 Years Old, Fighting Leukemia, Brain Cancer, & Bone Marrow Cancer, Lives In A Hospital At This Point, Always There For Treatment


Atlas: * in the hospital again, getting treatment, really sick, has to be on 24/7 oxygen and iv fluids, can't keep any food or drinks down, has a feeding tube, has a PICC line for cancer treatment*

Ace: * about to go visit with Atlas again, went home to shower and get more clothes, with Kristian, is an emotional wreak*

Kristian: * holding him, rubbing his back* it's okay baby

Ace: * crying* no it's not! he's dying!

Kristian:  we can only pray that he makes it through this time

Ace: he's barely alive, I've already signed his DNR order which means if he dies, they won't do anything to save him

Kristian: I know baby, I'm sorry

Ace: * wipes his face, gets ready to go*

                                                                                           At The Hospital

Ace & Kristian: * get visitor passes, goes to Atlas's room*

Nurse: * pulls them aside*

Ace: yes?

Nurse: his stats dropped earlier and we were able to stabilize him but its time to say goodbye, I'm sorry Mr. Akers * walks away*

Ace: * looks at Kristian, barely able to hold it together* 

Kristian: * holds him* im sorry baby

Ace: * pulls away from him, goes into Atlas's room*

Kristian: * goes in as well*

Atlas: d-daddy 

Ace: * hugs him tightly* i missed you baby

Atlas: i missed you too * very weak, talking softly, can barely hold his eyes open*

Ace: * holds his hand* when you go, im going to be very sad

Atlas: don't be sad, ill be okay

Ace: but ill be sad, i wont be able to hug you anymore, i wont be able to kiss you anymore

Atlas: but ill be better and i wont be in pain anymore

Ace: i know but ill missed you * crying*

Kristian: * listening*

Atlas: will you miss me, Kristian?

Kristian: of course, I would, there won't be a day that goes by that I won't miss you

Atlas: * smiles weakly* take care of my daddy when I go, okay?

Kristian: I promise you I will

Atlas: * weakly holds out his pinky*

Kristian: * gently hooks pinkies with him* I promise

Atlas: o-okay 

Ace: please hold on baby boy * holding his hand* don't leave me yet

Atlas: I can't keep fighting any longer, im sick and weak, I can't keep fighting

Ace: please baby! please stay with me!

Atlas: i c-cant-t

Ace: * cries hard*

Atlas: i-i love-e you-u-u d-d-daddy-y-y

Ace: I love-e you-u to-to baby-y

Atlas: l-love you kristian-n

Kristian: love you too buddy * kisses his head*

Ace: * gives Atlas one last kiss*

Atlas: * closes his eyes, goes limp, flatlines*

Ace: * sobs hard*

Kristian: * tries to hold Ace*

Ace: * clinging to Atlas's body*

                                                                         A Few Minutes Later

- the Doctors & Nurses take Atlas's body away-

Ace: * on his knees, sobbing* WHY?! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?!

Kristian: * crying as well, trying to help Ace*

                                                                     A Few Weeks Later

Ace: he died too young, i shouldn't be burying my son, he should be burying me instead but no, God had other plans, he was taken too soon after his 3-year battle with 3 different types of cancer

Kristian: * has his arm around Ace, supporting him*

                                                                       After The Funeral
                                                                           At Home

Ace: * laying in bed again, hasn't eaten all day*

Kristian: baby? please eat, you are worrying me

Ace: it doesn't matter, nothing matters to me anymore

Kristian: not even me?

Ace: * looks up at him, starts crying again*

Kristian: * holds him, rubs his back*

Ace: your all i have left! * sobs*

Kristian: i know baby, its okay, im not leaving you

Ace: * keeps crying*

Kristian: * soothes him*

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Stay Safe

Be Nice To Each Other

Have A Great Day!

Luv Infinite <3

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