Adopted Family ( J. Hossler & J. Richards)

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Jaden Hossler, 29 years old, Married to Josh, Adopted 3 Girls And A Boy
Josh Richards, 27 years old, Married to Jaden, Adopted 3 Girls And A Boy
Jaxson Quinn Hossler-Richards, Adopted at age 4, 10 years old, is the oldest
Jules Marie Hossler-Richards, Adopted as a newborn, 7 years old, is the second oldest
Julianna Rose Hossler-Richards, Adopted at 2 years old, 5 years old, is the second youngest
Justice Nicole Hossler-Richards, Adopted as a newborn, 3 years old, is the youngest


Jaden: * just got Justice up from her nap, changes her diaper, puts some toddler slide on her, takes her downstairs* we need to go shopping

Josh: * looks up from his phone* I was just about to go pick the kids up from school

Jaden: we can both go, pick them up, then go shopping

Josh: okay * gets up, puts his phone in his pocket, puts on a pair of air forces, gets his keys and wallet*

Jaden: * puts on a pair of air forces, gets his keys, wallet, and the diaper bag* let's go


Josh: * buckles Justice into her car seat, gets in the passager seat, buckles up*

Jaden: * gets in the driver's seat, buckles up, starts the car, connects the audio system to his phone, plays his music, drives off*

Justice: * sings softly*

Josh: * smiles, listens* 

                                                Los Angeles Elementary School

Jaden: * pulls into the car line*

Ms. Smith: who are you picking up?

Jaden: Jaxson Hossler-Richards, Jules Hossler-Richards, and Julianna Hossler-Richards

Ms. Smith: Id?

Jaden: * gives her his driver license* 

Ms. Smith: * looks at it, gives it back, calls the 3 kids* have a great afternoon

Jaden: you too * puts his license back in his wallet*

Jaxson: * opens the SUV door, gets in, sits in his spot, buckles up*

Jules: * gets in, sits in her booster seat, buckles up*

Julianna: * gets in, closes the door, sits in her car seat, buckles up* 

Jaden: are you all buckled up?

Jaxson: yea, I am 

Jules: I am

Julianna: I am 

Jaden: * drives off* how was school?

Jaxson: good, we made slime for a science project today

Josh: that's cool

Jaden: yea, Jules, how was school?

Jules: good, I learned how to multiply numbers today

Jaden: awesome, what is 2 x 3?

Jules: * thinks for a second* 6!

Jaden: great job, Julianna how was school?

Julianna: good, I learned how to count to 20

Jaden: count to 20

Julianna: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Josh: awesome job baby girl, ya'll got any homework?

Jaxson: I don't

Jules: I don't 

Julianna: I don't 

Josh: good, we are going shopping, I want all of you on your best behavior, I don't want any of you asking for anything

Jaxson: got it

Jules: got it

Julianna: got it

Justice: gwot iwt

Josh: good

Hope you guys/girls/non-binary/a-gender people are enjoying this book so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment "Cat Waffles" and as always be safe, be nice to each other and have a great day!!!
                                                                                                                        Luv Infinite <3

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