Beaten ( A. Akers) Part 2

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                                                                  Asher's POV

Asher: * still not awake yet, got x-rays, a C.T. scan, an MRI, and blood tests, on IV fluids, oxygen, a pulse ox, a blood pressure monitor, and a heart monitor*

Nurse Stella: * staying in Asher's room until someone can be there for him*

Asher: * has a severe concussion, a broken nose, 2 black eyes, a massive gash on his forehead, kidney and stomach damage from the force of the kicks, has 9 broken ribs, and bruises on his face, stomach, sides, and back, got stitched up and bandaged up, got cleaned up and changed into a hospital gown*

Nurse Stella: * talking to the doctor* did we get any information on any family for him yet?

Doctor: not yet, we are still working on it 

Nurse Stella: okay, any updates on him?

Doctor: he will need kidney & stomach surgery to try and fix the damage

Nurse Stella: should I get him prepped?

Doctor: not yet, the pediatric  surgeon is fully booked for the rest of the week

Nurse Stella: * sighs* cant this kill him if it doesn't get fixed?

Doctor: yes but we are doing our best for him

Nurse Stella: * sighs* okay

Doctor: * leaves the room*

Nurse Stella: * runs more vitals on Asher* 

                                                                     Ace's POV

Ace: * finally gets out of the meeting, runs out to his car, gets in, buckles up, drives off, speeding, trying to get to his son*

- a police officer pulls him over-

Ace: oh shit, I can't do this right now!

Officer:  * taps on his window*

Ace: * rolls his window down* sir, I'm trying to get my son, he was rushed to the hospital from daycare and I couldn't get out of a meeting

Officer: I still have to give you a ticket, can I have your license and registration

Ace: * gives them to him, waits*

Officer: * runs his license and registration, goes back to him, gives them back, writes him a ticket*

Ace: * takes it, rolls his eyes*

Officer: I can escort you if you want

Ace: really? you write me a ticket, then offer to help me?

Officer: I'm just doing my job

Ace: * shakes his head, rolls his window up, drives off* 

                                                               20 Minutes Later
                                                               At The Hospital

Ace: * parks, unbuckled, rushes in, gets a visitor's pass, gets Asher's room number, takes the elevator to the 5th floor, finds Asher's room, runs into his room* oh my god...

Nurse Stella: I'm guessing you're his father?

Ace: yes ma'am

Nurse Stella: * sits Ace down* he has a severe concussion, a broken nose, 2 black eyes, a massive gash on his forehead, kidney and stomach damage from the force of the kicks, has 9 broken ribs, and bruises on his face, stomach, sides, and back

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