Bullied ( N. Austin)

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Nick Austin, 29 years old, Is A Single Dad
Angel Gray Austin, 6 Years Old


Angel: * gets home from school, finds daddy, crying*

Nick: * picks her up* hey baby, why are you crying?

Angel: * wipes her face* kids at school say I'm dumb and ugly and useless

Nick: Oh baby, your none of those things, your beautiful, smart, and not useless

Angel: they so mean, it 4 of them

Nick: did you tell anyone?

Angel: the teacher watched them do it and did nothing about it

Nick: that's not good, I'm going to have a talk with your school tomorrow, okay?

Angel: okay daddy * kisses his cheek*

Nick: * smiles, kisses her cheek* love you lovebug

Angel: love you too daddy

                                                            The Next Day 
                                                           Angel's School

Nick: * goes inside with Angel*


Nick: hello I'm here to see why the hell my daughter is getting bullied and the teacher watches and doesn't do anything

Office Lady: well, what's her teacher's name?

Angel: Mr.James

Office Lady: and what happened?

Nick: my daughter told me that she was being bullied and her teacher watches and didn't do anything

Office Lady: I'm sorry sir but there is nothing we can do about that

Nick: well, in that case, I want to unroll my child from this toxic school environment 

Office Lady: fine sir 

Nick: * unrolls Angel from that school system*

                                                             2 Hours Later

Nick: * finally finishes, goes home with Angel, signs her up for homeschool* 

Hope you guys/girls/non-binary/a-gender people are enjoying my story so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment " Chocolate Pancakes" and as always be safe, be nice to each other, and have a great day!!!
                                                                                                        Luv Infinite <3

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