Curious ( J. Day & A. Akers)

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Jacob Day- 31 Years Old,  Married To  Ace, Has a Son With Him
Ace Akers- 32 Years Old, Married To  Jacob, Has A Son With Him
Jaylen Carter Akers- 12 Years Old, Shy & Kept To Himself


Jaylen: * in his room*

Ace: hey baby, have you seen Jaylen?

Jacob: not since he got home from the mall

Ace: okay * goes upstairs to Jaylen's room, goes in*

Jaylen: * trying on some girly clothes he bought today, goes red, tries to cover the skirt he is wearing*

Ace: that's cute

Jaylen: t-thanks?

Ace: I'm not going to judge you for liking girly stuff, i mean I'm married to a man and  I'm very gay

Jaylen: really?

Ace: yea, i bet your dad would love this!

Jaylen: really?!

Ace: yea! 

Jaylen: * goes downstairs with Ace*


Jacob: yas qween!

Jaylen: * laughs*

Jacob: that looks amazing on you bubba

Jaylen: thanks, dad!

Jacob: sooo are you gay?

Jaylen: duh, is that not obvious?

Jacob: it was but i was making sure

Ace: so are you thinking about transiting or are you just going to be a fem-boy?

Jaylen: fem-boy

Ace: okay

Jacob: okay bubba

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Luv Infinite <3 

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