Over-Dose ( Dougherty Dozen) Part 2

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Alex: * crashed again on the way to the hospital, flatlined, at the hospital now, on life support, a pulse ox, a heart monitor, a blood pressure monitor, and iv fluids, had to get 2 more doses of Narcan as well*

Josh: * staying home with the kids*

Alicia: * at the hospital, waiting to get a visitor pass*

Receptionist: next!

Alicia: * goes up* hello, I'm here to see my son

Receptionist: okay, what is your son's name, and what is your name?

Alicia: my name is Alicia Dougherty and my son's name is Alexander Dougherty, he was brought here by an ambulance for an overdose

Receptionist: yes ma'am, can I see your id?

Alicia: yes * gives her, her id*

Receptionist: * scans the id, makes Alicia the visitor's pass, gives her, her id, and the visitor's pass* can you sign these papers for your son?

Alicia: yes * signs all the papers, puts her id in her wallet, puts on the visitors pass*

Receptionist: room b3-30 on the 5th floor

Alicia: * nods, takes the elevator to the 5th floor, finds Alex's room, goes in, sees Alex, connected to all the machines, starts crying, sits next to his bed, holds his hand* why didn't you tell us you had an addiction, we could have gotten you help, we wouldn't be mad, but here we are, you almost died, you scared us all, you are a fighter, Alexander Jean Dougherty, you have always been a fighter

Doctor: * comes into the room* hello, you must be his mother

Alicia: yes

Doctor: he is in a coma, he isn't expected to survive, he ingested a lethal amount of fentanyl, which caused kidney and liver failure, I'm sorry ma'am

Alicia: * nods, tears up again*

Doctor: * leaves the room*

Alicia: * lays her head on Alex's chest, cries*

3 Weeks Later

Alicia: * hardly ever left Alex's side, took small breaks to go home and shower and see the other kids but that was it*

Josh: * comes to visit Alex every day while the other kids were in school*

Alex: * died and was brought back 4 times*

Alicia: * refused to sign a DNR for Alex*

Alex: * on dialysis for his kidney failure, still in a coma*

Doctor: * rushes into Alex's room*

Alicia: what is it this time Dr?

Doctor: we have a 17-year-old male, O-, he sadly passed away in a car accident, and his family is donating his organs, Alex will receive both kidneys and his liver

Alicia: Oh My God!

Doctor: * quickly preps Alex for surgery, rushes him into surgery*

5 Hours Later

Alex: * returned to his room, still in a coma*

Alicia: * praying hard*

Doctor: he did amazing

Alicia: thank God

2 Months Later

Alex: *has been in a coma for 3 and a half months now*

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