Meeting ( N. Beck & D. D'Amelio)

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Noah Beck- 25 Years Old, Dating Dixie, Had A Daughter With His Ex
Dixie D'Amelio- 26 Years Old, Dating Noah, Hasn't Met His Daughter Yet
Sienna Maria Beck- 5 Years Old, Hasn't Met Dixie Yet, Excited To Finally Met Her


Noah: * bringing Sienna over to meet dixie for the first time*

Dixie: * excited and nervous to meet Noah's daughter for the first time*

Sienna: * excited and nervous to meet her dad's girlfriend for the first time* 

                                                        When He Gets There

Noah: * brings Sienna inside*

Dixie: * smiles*

Sienna: hi Miss. Dixie, my name is Sienna

Dixie: hi Sienna

Noah: * smiles*

Sienna: I'm 5 years old

Dixie: I know, your dad talks about you all the time

Sienna: dad!

Noah: what? * smiles*

Sienna: my birthday is June 29 and I like unicorns and rainbows

Dixie: aw

Noah: yea, and she is very smart

Sienna: I love school, I love my teacher

Dixie: aw, that's awesome

                                                                  Later On

Dixie: Sienna is an amazing girl

Noah: yea, i just wish her mother would let me see her more often and not be so controlling

Dixie: * frowns* have you tried taking her to court?

Noah: no, she would kill me if I tried

Dixie: come on baby, you should have rights to your child, I know a great lawyer

Noah: I don't know

                                                          A Few Weeks Later
                                                            Court House

Judge: I grant full custody of Sienna Maria Beck to Noah Beck & Dixie D'Amelio

Noah & Dixie: * smiles*

Sienna: * smiles* now I can live with mama and Dixie forever

Noah: yea

Dixie: yea

- the 3 embrace and walk out of the courtroom together-

I Hope Everyone Is Enjoying This Book So Far

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Stay Safe

Be Nice To Each Other

Have A Great Day!

Luv Infinite <3 

Author's Note

I can't believe this is the 100th chapter of this book, I can't believe this book has come so far since I first started this book, I never thought I would make it this far, and i even quit this book for like 2 or 3 months but i came back, and i would like to thank everyone who reads my books, and comments, and votes, you mean the world to me, i Luv u <3

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