Trouble ( T. Holder & B. Hall)

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Request By swaylaxhosie

Taylor Holder- 27 Years Old, Married To Bryce, Adopted A Daughter With Him
Bryce Hall- 28 Years Old, Married To Taylor, Adopted A Daughter With Him
Xi'an Kayla Hall-Holder- 5 Years Old, Is In Kindergarten, Gets In Trouble A-Lot


Bryce: * watching a movie with Taylor*

Taylor: * gets a call from the school*

Bryce: who is it?

Taylor: the school... again

Bryce: god-damn, that's the seventh time they have called this week, and it's only Tuesday

Taylor: * sighs, shakes his head, answers his phone* hello?

Ms. Lillian: hello Mr. Holder, your daughter has gotten into trouble again

Taylor: what has she done this time?

Ms. Lillian: she bit a student, tried to slap another student, and wont complete her work

Taylor: * sighs* okay

Ms. Lillian: she will be suspended for 3 days

Taylor: okay, ill be in about 10 minutes

Ms. Lillian: okay, thank you sir

Taylor: mhm no problem * hangs up*

Bryce: what is it this time babe?

Taylor: she bit a student, tried to slap another student, and she wont complete her work

Bryce: * sighs* okay but this cant keep happening, we have to punish her 

Taylor: I know baby

Bryce: do you want me to go pick her up?

Taylor: i got it baby

Bryce: okay 

Taylor: * gets his keys, phone, and wallet, leaves*

                                                                               10 Minutes Later
                                                                                 At The School

Taylor: * parks, unbuckles, gets out, goes inside*


Ms. Lillian: hello Mr. Holder

Taylor: hello, Ms. Lillian

Ms. Lillian: can you sign these papers for me sir?

Taylor: sure * sighs, signs all the papers, gives them back*

Ms. Lillian: * files the papers, gets Xi'an from the conference room*

Xi'an: daddy! * runs to him, hugs his legs*

Taylor: * grabs her hand and leaves with her*

Xi'an: why arent you hugging me?!

Taylor: because you're in trouble and I'm mad at you

Xi'an: * tries to hit him*

Taylor: no ma'am ,we don't hit other people!

Xi'an: * whines*

Taylor: * puts Xi'an in her carseat, buckles her in, gets up front, buckles up, drives home*

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