He Hurts You ( N. Barrett & J. Richards)

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Josh Richards- 24 Years Old, Dating Nessa, Very Toxic, Has A Kid With Her
Nessa Barrett- 23 Years Old, Dating Josh, Has A Kid With Him
Elijah Alexander Richards- 3 Years Old, Total Mommy's Boy


Elijah: * down for a nap, asleep*


Nessa: shush! Elijah is asleep

Josh: I dont give a damn, this kitchen should have been clean

Nessa: I didn't have time, I was taking care of our son

Josh: I told you I wanted this kitchen clean but no, you want to be lazy all the time

Nessa: I'm not lazy, I was doing my part and taking care of OUR son! if you want me to do other things, maybe you should take care of him

Josh: you fucking bitch, you dont talk back to me * slaps her*

Nessa: * stands there quiet*

Josh: now clean this kitchen up * walks away*

Nessa: * cleans the kitchen, has a mark on her face now*

                                                                       30 Minutes Later 

Nessa: * just finished cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes*

Josh: * leaves the house, still mad at Nessa* 

Nessa: * frowns*

Elijah: * wakes up and cries for mommy*

Nessa: * goes upstairs to Elijah's room, picks him up* hey buddy

Elijah: mommy!

Nessa: hey buddy, did you sleep well?

Elijah: yea!

Nessa: good * changes his pull-up*

Elijah: what happen tu you fwace? ( what happened to your face?)

Nessa: nothing buddy, don't worry

Elijah: dwid daddy hwit you? ( did daddy hit you?)

Nessa: no buddy, he wouldn't hit me

Elijah: don lwie tu mwez! I knwow hwe hwurts you! *starts crying* (Don't lie to me! I know he hurts you!)

Nessa: * frowns, soothes Elijah* we just got into a little argument and he got mad 

Elijah: whyz you nu weave hwim? ( why dont you just leave him?)

Nessa: because you need your daddy buddy

Elijah: nu I don, I jwust nweed you mommy ( no I dont, I just need you, mommy) 

Nessa: that's sweet buddy but I can't leave him

Elijah: whyz? hwe hwurts you ( why? he hurts you)

Nessa: i love him and i believe he can change

Elijah: * sighs*

Nessa: * frowns* ill think about it

Elijah: otay 

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No One Deserves To Be In An Abusive Relationship, If You Are In An Abusive Relationship, Please Get Help, No One Desevres To Live In Fear Of Their Parneter  

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