"There's no note." I frowned in confusion as I opened the lid. "Oh wait, there's something inside... Save me a dance."

Eira poked her head out of the bathroom. "What?"

I shrugged, turning the paper over thinking maybe there was something else written on the back. "That's all it says. 'Save me a dance'."

Her brows drew together then she stomped over to where I stood and reached for the parchment. 

"Do you think it's from Hale?" I asked as I brushed my thumb over the smooth gold surface of the arm cuff while her eyes roamed over the elegant hand writing.

"I think that is a fair assumption, given he's the only one who has access to your room besides your ladies maids. Unless you have a secret lover I don't know about?" She joked, placing the note on the bed.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Oh, please. Like I would ever sleep with two males at the same time. It would be far too much work."

I continued to stare at the cuff. It had to be from Hale. But why wouldn't he wait to give it to me himself? Maybe it was a mating gift, celebrating our completed soul bond. Or maybe he gave it as an apology for yesterday? Whatever the reason, he clearly he wanted me to wear it tonight.

"Well? Are you going to put it on or do I have to do it for you?"

Excitement bloomed in my belly as I dropped the box then slid the simple band up my arm towards my bicep. Instantly I felt a sense of calm spread over me. My eyes drooped and my thoughts became muted. I was completely relaxed, no longer nervous for tonight's festivities.

Shaking the fogginess from my head, I reached for the dress next, carefully slipping the material over my head so I wouldn't mess up Eira's handiwork. Once everything was tucked into place and the back zippered, I turned towards the mirror. Running my hands over the freshly pressed skirt, I stared at my reflection. 

In just a few short moments I would be presented to the highest-ranking nobles of Hale's court, along with whomever else received an invitation on his behalf. Despite Eira providing instruction about how I should present myself at this sort of event, I was still terrified I would make a fool of myself, and therefore my Mate - the King.

"You look beautiful, Novalee," Eira said from the doorway.

I turned and searched her face. She'd been so supportive since the first day I met her. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes, I do."

I turned back towards my reflection. I did look better than I ever have. The gown was just as gorgeous as it was when I tried it on, even more so, now that I wore the jewelry and shoes. The cut of the dress and the sweeping neckline made me look regal rather than awkward.

I ran a hand up my arm to touch the gold band Hale had given me. "What if they see right through me? I'm no princess or queen, I certainly don't have any business playing dress up as one."

Eira put a hand on my shoulder and spun me around to face her. "You are a Queen. Never forget that. If you believe it in here -," she paused to place a hand over my heart, "- so will they."

I bit my lip and nodded. "OK."


Hale is talking with a group of diplomats when we descended the ballroom stairs. His black tunic and dress pants absorbed what little light the twinkling lights gave off, while the twin blades sheathed at his hips had been polished to perfection so that the same light glistened off the metal as he turned towards me. A scarlet sash draped from his right shoulder to his left hip, while a chain of fist-size ovals of gold, set with precious gemstones, hung from one shoulder to other, and a bronze crown circled his head. Even without the noble garb, there would be no mistaking that he was a king. 

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