Chapter 45

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By some miracle I landed on the balls of my feet inside a small grassy area situated directly below the fourth story window. The drop had only been ten feet or so; A plunge that would have probably resulted in my death, or at the very least a broken leg, had I not possessed the grace and strength that came with being Fae.

The corners of my mouth lifted as I thought of Hale. He was going to lose his shit when he saw that I had thwarted his attempt to keep me away from the battle. My smile grew wider as I pictured his reddening face and the heated look he got whenever things didn't go his way.

I'd known that he was going to put up a fight when I refused to obey his command to stay put, but I never thought that he would go as far as to knock me out and spell the door. 

He'd done it to keep me safe. I knew that. But it still did not give him the right to take away my choice.

Lifting my head, I looked up at the blazing sun and whispered a quick prayer to my ancestor, just as I'd heard Liam do several times before. "Aelius, God of the Sun. Watch over me and guide me with your light. Give me courage and lend me your strength. For I am your blood and am ready to shine bright."

Heat bloomed in my belly, spreading in every direction until my whole body thrummed with raw, untapped power. 

A child screamed nearby and my eyes snapped in the direction it had come from. My thoughts went to that sweet little girl from last night and her family. 

I jumped into action, rushing towards a fallen Taurus solider laying a few feet away and picked up his curved blade, noting its weight in my hand. 

I sprinted down an alley, towards a group of soldiers who'd cornered a female. They did not see me coming until it was too late. I swung my blade with all my might, and watched in satisfaction as their heads rolled from their bodies.

I did not stop running as I yelled at the shaken, but otherwise unharmed female to find shelter. With a nod she took off, back towards the castle from where I'd just came.

When I reached the intersection, I skittered to a stop. There, at the very end of the next street over, was the bakery, covered in flames. My heart sank.

Two soldiers spotted me from inside an abandoned house and gave chase. 

Spinning in the Bakery's direction, I took off. Pumping my arms, I pushed my body harder, praying that I could outrun them. But they were faster.

They taunted me as I ran. But I paid them no head as all my focus remained on the blazing building before me.

I was nearly there when something struck my back and I went tumbling forward. My blade clattered on the cobblestones and I scrambled towards it. But as I reached for the handle a black boot stepped onto the back of my hand with a sickening crunch. I cried out as I felt the pain of every bone in my hand shattering. 

Tears streamed down my face and I thrashed when two sets of rough hands grip me under my arms, hauling me upright.

A group of soldiers gathered before us. Each of them wearing sleek, dark armor that covered every inch of their massive frames. 

I struggled to get my legs under me as the two males holding me took giant strides towards the group, uncaring if my boots dragged on the ground behind me with each purposeful step.

When we reached the other males my captors threw me at their feet, earning a few dark chuckles from their companions.

My hand had already healed thankfully, but they didn't need to know that just yet, so I cradled it to my chest in what I hope was a convincing gesture.

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