Chapter 16

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The sun had finally begun to peak out from behind the moon, signifying the start of a new day. It's warm, golden rays illuminated the landscape which made it easier for me to find my way back to camp.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Assface!" I glowered as I stomped right up to where Liam waited by an already saddled Shiva.

"I see that someone woke up and chose violence today," his eyes danced with laughter.

I was not having any of his bullshit right now, I was on a mission for answers.

"When the fuck were you going to tell me that I'm Fae?!?" I jabbed a finger at his chest.

His smile faded instantly, "How did you find out?"

"Hmmm, let me see. I used my fucking brain and connected the dots." I spat. "Back in the cave when you and Hale healed me, how did you cauterize my wound? Oh yeah, with these!" I picked up both of his hands, shaking them before throwing them down at the ground. "My elemental made an appearance tonight," I sneered. "Care to take a guess what kind of element I command?"

"Shit." his eyes went wide.

"Shit is right, dick for brains. I had no fucking clue what was happening to me until Shadow told me it was a gift from my Zodiac House."

"Who the fuck is Shadow?" he growled.

"It doesn't fucking matter! I had to learn the truth from someone else! I thought you were my friend!" my voice cracked.

"Nova,"  he tsked, looking at me pitifully as he took a slow step towards me.

"How long have you known?" I demanded, backing up out of his reach.

He sighed, grimacing when he looked me in the eye, "Since the night I found you passed out in the woods."

"You mean to tell me, that you've known this whole time and didn't tell me!" I screamed and flames shot up my arms.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, we weren't sure at first."

"Well, when did you become sure." I sneered.

"When you woke up and tried to run away from us... the first time."

My jaw dropped, "How the hell did that convince you that I'm Fae?"

"Because you woke up." he replied softly.

I squinted at him, scrunching my nose from side to side, trying to comprehend his meaning.

Seeing my obvious confusion, he continued. "The venom from a Displacer Beast barb is lethal, Nova. If you really were human, you would have died within minutes after being stung."

I shook my head, turning away from him in disgust.

"Would you have believed me if I told you?" he whirled me around to face him.

"I don't know!" I yelled, the flames shooting up higher towards my shoulders.

"And I really don't know how anyone would consider this to be a gift!" I added, shaking my arms repeatedly, trying to put out the flames. "Why won't it stop?!" I sobbed, tears gathering in my eyes.

Liam gently placed his warm hands on top of mine and spoke slowly, "Deep breaths, Little lion. You need to calm down. Elemental magic is linked to our emotions." he took a step back, only for his own hands to glow white before they ignited.

"You see?" he offered, gesturing with his hands as he commanded the flames to do his bidding, "Easy peezy."

"Easy for you to say, you've only been practicing for how long? Thirty years?"

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