Chapter 7

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Had it not been for the incessant echo of water droplets falling from the ceiling of the cavern, I might have slept for another few hours. Though the dripping had been peaceful at first, it had gone on for some time, the sound magnified by the hallow walls, making it impossible to stay asleep. I rise into a sitting position, only to groan in protest at the migraine threatening the back of my head. Leaning forward to rest my head in my hands, I gently rub my temple, trying to massage the headache away. 

Lifting my head, I squint against the darkness, allowing my eyes to adjust before glancing towards the cave's entrance. Even before my mind registered the unfamiliarity of the foliage outside, I knew I was no longer in the North Woods. 

Recalling the previous nights events, an unsettling feeling began welling deep inside my gut. There was something wrong here - but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. My mind still remained a little fuzzy from the blood loss, but the last thing I could remember was Mr. Sunshine carrying me towards a shimmering wall of light. 

Then it hit me. I'd been in such a delirious state that I hadn't even realized what was actually happening. I thought that my mind had concocted a knight in shining leather to save me from an imaginary monster, but that asshole hadn't been rescuing me, he'd abducted me!

"Son of a bitch!" I spat, slapping my thigh, immediately regretting it when my calf began to throb.

I'd forgotten that just hours ago a monster had been using my leg as its own personal chew toy. Wincing, I trailed my fingers down to the fresh bandage covering my right calf, noting that despite the adequate patch job, I was still bleeding profusely. The muscle around the wound had become angry, swelling to twice its normal size. 

I leaned further forward to inspect the damage when a stabbing pain in my gut sucked the air out of my lungs. Doubling over, I grabbed at my midsection, only to stare in shock at the tar colored blood that now coated my palms. Gingerly peeling up the edge of my shirt, I gasped at the collection of black veins pulsing out from giant gash right next to my naval, right where the Displacer Beast had struck me with one of its tentacles.

Shit, that can't be good.

I needed to see a doctor, and after what transpired between us last night, I no longer believed that my captor had my best interest in mind. Lord knows where he went off to, he's probably watching me struggle right now. 


Tightening the hold over the wound on my stomach, I grimaced as I lifted myself from the ground and limped towards the cave's entrance. Blinking past the white spots, my eyes fought to adjust to the mid-day sun. Holding my free hand in front of my face, I took in my surroundings and gasped. Not only was I not in the North Woods, but I would go as far to argue that I was no longer in the world I knew, for the landscape was like nothing I'd ever seen.

While the trees back in Taetum had become barren due to the plummeting winter temps, the leaves covering the birch trees standing to my right were vibrant red, indicating that the seasons did not apply here like they did back home. And while the vast open sky above remained blue, it was deeper than any shade I'd ever seen back home, it was almost purple.

The gentle lapping of water to my left drew my attention away from the orange and yellow berry bushes I'd been admiring. Licking my lips in anticipation, I began hobbling over to the river's edge, seeking to quench my thirst before I would begin the strenuous journey back to the North Woods. 

Bending down, I cupped a handful of crystal clear water and brought it to my cracked lips, closing my eyes in delight at the cool, crisp taste as it touched my tongue. Moaning in pleasure, I reach down for another sip, only for my hand to stop mid air, the prickling sensation on the back of my neck indicating that I was no longer alone.

"You really should come with a warning label," a deep voice rumbles behind me.


I can only imagine how this looks from behind. Bent at the waist, shirt riding up my torso, ass on full display, I was the picture of modesty. Mother Teresa would be so proud. 

Mentally cursing, I quickly right myself, pulling at the hem of my shirt in attempt to cover the exposed flesh of my ample backside. Plastering a fake smile on my face, I try to look as natural as possible. Well, as natural as a girl wearing nothing but panties and a blood covered t-shirt could look.

"It's about time Sunshine, I was beginning to think..." I spin towards him, ready to face his wrath, only to choke on my words when I realize that the hooded figure watching me is not the man from last night.

"Who are you?" I sputter, taking in the stranger's rugged appearance.

My eyes locked onto the dark fabric concealing the majority of his face, not only did it cover his mouth, but his nose as well, leaving much to the imagination. The only facial features he allowed to show from beneath his hood were his glaring hazel eyes that continued to silently regard me from where he stood a few feet away.

"Are you hard of hearing? I asked you a question. Who. The fuck. Are you?" I repeat, planting my hands on my hips, lip curling in distaste at his proximity.

Instead of answering, he lowers his head, further hiding in the shadows of his hood as he takes yet another step closer to me. He looked to be a good six inches taller than me, if not more. Though it was difficult to properly size him up from my current position. Standing at five foot eight, I was already taller than most women, which meant that the man brooding before me was absolutely massive. 

Instinctively I took another small step backwards, only for him to shake his head in a silent warning. When I decided to ignore his soundless command, he surprised me by eating up the remaining distance between us in just a few long strides.

The air around us grew thick as he reached for me, tiny shocks of electricity traveled along my clammy skin from where he roughly gripped my arm. Crying out, I tried to rip free from his hold, only for him to tighten his calloused hand even more.

Static caused my hair to float around me on a phantom wind that crackled with power. Despite not being able to see his face, or really any other body part due to the dark leathers he wore, say for his gloveless hands, he radiated a type of confidence that I could only describe as arrogant. The crinkle that appeared in the corners of his smoldering eyes confirmed my suspicions, he was a cocky son of a bitch. 

He was clearly pleased with himself for having captured me. Little did he know that I'd allowed him to do such. Fucker thought he could put hands on me without my permission and get away with it? 

Reeling back my other arm, the one not currently captured in his iron grip, I put all my weight behind my fist before sending it forward, watching in satisfaction as it connected perfectly in the center of his smug face. I smile darkly at the loud crunch his nose makes beneath the mask and watch him stumble back a few steps as if he'd been astonished at what I'd just done. Before he has a moment to right himself, I use my good leg to kick him directly in the balls. He drops like a sack of potatoes, groaning into the grass at my feet.

"Let this be a lesson for the next time you try to touch a lady without asking her permission," I pause, crouching down beside him.

I reach out to gently sweep the dark hair from his brow before cupping his chin, forcing him to meet my heated gaze.

"This has been fun love, let's do it again sometime," I lean in and kiss him directly on the lips, right through his mask.

His eyes widen even further as I right myself and brush a spec of dirt off my shoulders. 

"Have fun icing your balls!" I call over my shoulder as I limp as fast as I can towards the horizon, leaving him in a crumpled heap on the ground.

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