Chapter 35

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Gazing into the small fire before us, I grinned like an idiot as I watched the flames dance through half-closed lids. Hale snuggled in closer behind me, nuzzling into the curve of my neck, and I shivered as his lips touched a sensitive spot. 

"That tickles." I giggled as I tried to wiggle away from him.

He growled low as he wrapped an arm around my middle, "Oh no you don't." He rolled on top of me, pinning me down with his hips then began to tickle my ribs. 

I thrashed under him and tried to buck him off but it was no use, the man was over two hundred pounds of solid muscle. 

"Hale! Stop! Please!" I giggled, tears seeping out of the corners of my eyes as I laughed.

He stopped abruptly, leaning back to regard me as his chest heaved. "Gods, I think that's my favorite sound in the whole world." He leaned over me and kissed my lips tenderly. "Though, if I'm being honest, it might be my second favorite."

"What's the first?" I asked breathlessly.

His eyes darkened as his gaze roamed over my body, lingering on my hardened nipples that were clearly visible through the thin material of the shirt he'd given me to sleep in. Strong hands gripped my legs, hitching them over his shoulders as he bent down to kiss my inner thigh.

"Oh, no no no. Don't you even think about it," I tried to wiggle out from beneath him but he yanked me back under him. I hissed as my shirt rode up and tiny rocks dug into my exposed back, cutting into my skin. "Leave my cooch alone! She's on a time out. She needs to recover from -"

Hale's tongue dove between my folds and lapped at my dripping cunt, licking and sucking until my head spun. He kept a slow pace, dragging his tongue up and down and around, each tedious stroke making me moan, begging him for more. Then, he pushed a finger into me agonizingly slow and I cried out.

"That is my favorite sound." His voice was husky and fucking sexy as hell.

A second finger joined the first and I threw an arm over my eyes as he leaned in and sucked my clit. A deep rattle echoed around us and I stilled as he continued to finger fuck me. 

"Did you hear that?" 

"Hear what, Sweetness?" A deep, sensual voice glided over my skin like honey.

I removed my arm and gasped when I saw Shadow, not Hale, kneeling between my legs, driving his tattoo covered fingers into me. I looked around frantically for Hale but saw no one else around. "What the - "

"What's the matter, little lamb? Cat got your tongue?" He grinned.

I watched in horror as his gigantic form contorted into that of a monster before my eyes. His skin rippled into pitch black scales, his fingers shaped into gleaming black claws and his bleach white teeth elongated to razor sharp fangs.

"I warned you not to leave camp did I not?" His voice deepened into almost a demonic growl. "You chose to disobey me, now you must pay the price." His dark head lowered and then his fangs sank into my soft flesh.

"No!" My eyes flew open and I bolted upright, gasping for air.

"Is everything okay?" Hale mumbled sleepily beside me.

My eyes searched the dark frantically and my chest heaved with each breath but I managed to answer him, "Yeah. It was just a nightmare. Go back to sleep." 

I laid back down beside him and his arm around me tightened slightly as he pulled me firmly against him, nuzzling into my hair. I stared up at the starry night sky, focusing on my breathing to try and calm myself down but I was shaken to the core and no amount of deep breathing was going to help me relax.

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