Chapter 19

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I really need to pee, but the massive arm thrown over my ribs holds me firmly in place. I peer over my shoulder at the sleeping male pressed against my backside. Grinning like a fool, I squirm closer, ignoring the fullness of my bladder as I press my ass into his massive erection.

I let out a squeak when he nuzzles into my neck and snakes a tattooed arm under my shirt between my naked breasts, until he palms my left tit and pulls me back against his chest effortlessly.

When the hell had I taken my bra off? And more importantly, when did Hale decide it was okay to climb into the small bed with me? No matter, I was going to enjoy this while it lasted. I'd never actually been held by a man before, and boy had I been missing out.

After a few more minutes of pure bliss, my bladder screamed in protest, "Hale."

"Hmm?" He hummed into my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"I need to pee." I whispered.

His head lifted from my hair and his breath caught slightly before his body stiffened behind me. He slowly removed his hand from under my shirt and rolled out of bed.

I turned over to watch him dress. Admiring the way his perfect washboard abs constricted with each jerky movement. Once he finished adorning his signature dark leather pants and black tunic, he sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his matching tactical boots.

"Hale," I reached out to touch his shoulder, only to have him rip it out of my grasp before he stands and walks over to gather his weapons belt.

I stare in wonder as he secures the two long swords to his back then the dozens of throwing knives across his chest. Then finally the jeweled tipped daggers secured on each of his hips.

He stomps over to the tent's opening, hand pausing on the flap when he suddenly turns back towards me with an agitated look on his face. He opens his mouth a few times, before he ultimately snaps it shut then walks outside into the first light of a new day.

When I was certain that no one was looking I made a beeline for my tent, which thankfully is right next to Hale's. Once inside, I searched through the carved white oak chest for some clothes since the ones from yesterday were still laying next to Hale's bed, covered in vomit. Deciding on a pair of buckskin leather breeches and a plain off-white linen shirt, I quickly strip off Hale's shirt and throw on a fresh pair of panties.

One thing that drove me nuts about this place? No bras. I shift uncomfortably as I adjust the almost sheer blouse. This was not good, all it would take was one good downpour then all the men at camp will hakuna ma tatas.

"Hakuna your tatas, huh?"

I squealed, covering my chest as I whirled towards the sultry voice.

"I'd say that I'm sorry for intruding, but this is too good to miss," the female's ice blue eyes sparkled mischievously from where she stood just inside my tent.

Dammit, I need to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself, "Sorry, I was just.."

"You were just making my morning," she giggled, stepping closer. "I'm Eira," she reached out, smiling brightly.

"Nova," I smiled back, thrusting my freckled hand into her pale one.

"So, Nova. As your unofficial new best friend, I'd like to show you around today if you're up for it?" she beamed, her face full of hope.

"Liam already..." I started to decline, but when her lips began to pull into a frown I couldn't help myself. As much as I wanted to dislike her, I came to realize that it was just not possible. Her smile was infectious and I found myself nodding in agreement, "Yes. Actually, I'd love that."

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