Chapter 39

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Goosebumps prickled along my arms as the temperature around us plummeted, and the further we descended beneath the castle, the louder my teeth chattered. The flaming torches jutting out from the stone walls of the winding staircase did little to warm my flesh but they did illuminate our path. I just prayed to the Gods that I wouldn't trip over the ridiculous gown Taji had given me to wear, though I suspected falling down the remaining steps would get me to the bottom faster than the snails pace we were currently moving at.

"Did you know that there is memory in water?" Taji asked as we descended further and further below ground. "As it travels, it picks up and stores information from all the places it has been."

"Huh, now that you mention it, I think I have heard that before. A certain snowman who likes warm hugs told me all about it while he was off finding a way to save his kingdom from the vengeful spirits of the forrest."

"What is it with you and Frozen?" I could practically hear Hale shaking his head on the step behind me. 

"For your information, that was from Frozen 2, you uncultured swine. And Olaf and I are practically best friends - don't tell Eira I said that though. She might go all ice queen on me and send a giant snow monster to kick my ass."

"She better not," Hale's voice lowered so only I could hear him, "I have plans for that ass and none of them involve frosty the snowman or whatever the fuck his name is."

"Olaf the snowman," I corrected.

"Whatever. Tomato, potato, same difference."

"That literally made no sense."

"You make no sense!" 

His outburst was so playful and unexpected that I could not contain the giggle that escaped me. "You are a child," I sniffled as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Says the woman who still watches children's movies."

"Don't you dare judge me! Those movies are for all ages and teach valuable life lessons."

"I'll teach you a valuable life lesson," he whispered seductively.

"If you two are quite finished, may I get back to my story now?" Taji stopped on the step below me, looking at us like we were both children.

"Sorry." I bit my lip, grateful for the dim lighting so she couldn't see my cheeks heating. She cocked an eyebrow and smirked before turning and continuing forward. 

I was faintly aware of Hale chuckling from the step behind me so I raised a hand over my shoulder and flipped him off, which only made him laugh more.

"As I was saying, since our bodies are made up of seventy percent water, would you not agree that it is possible for your memories to be stored in let's say, your blood?"

I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head, "If you were planning on killing me you probably should not have let me borrow something that would stain so easily. I hear blood is a bitch to get out of silk." I adjusted my boobs in the scrap of a dress she'd given me to wear, if you can even call it that. The thing barely covered the important bits and left very little the imagination.

Taji threw her head back and barked a laugh, "I would never! I like you too much. Besides, I very much doubt your Mate would let me within ten feet of you if he thought I meant you harm. No, what I was trying to say is that I have a way to coax out the missing pieces of your past using your body's very essence."

"And you're sure it will not cause her any discomfort?" My thundercloud rumbled behind me, placing a possessive hand on my shoulder.

"Worry not, Haileon, the process is painless, though it can be a bit jarring."

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