Chapter 28

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I smile up at Hale as he slowly deposits me back on the ground. My legs wobble slightly and I mumble my thanks when he allows me to hold onto his muscular forearms for support. After a second the dizziness disappears and I nod. "I'm good." 

Despite my reassurance, Hale continues to grasp my elbows, his grip tightening until it hurts. "I said I'm good!" I snap, ripping my arms out of his blood covered hands. 

I study him with a weary eye as he looms before me, noting how his nostrils flare with each rise and fall of his chest. Clearly something was bothering him, but what? Before I can even reach for him, he turns abruptly and presents me with his back. I peer over his shoulder to shoot a questioning look at Liam and Cas who remained silent a few feet away. 

"What's his problem?" I raised my chin, gesturing at Hale's rigid form as he continues to walk away from me. 

Cas's blue eyes widen slightly before darting in Hale's direction. "Shit." he breathes, cringing as Hale stops abruptly.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Hale growls low as he slowly turns, his bloodied knuckles turning white at his sides. 

The sun begins to slowly disappear behind thick clouds, bathing the canyon in shadows. Thunder rumbles loudly, shaking a few rocks loose from the walls surrounding us. I could smell the moisture in the air before the first drop of rain even fell. A moment later, the heavens open up and we are all drenched.

"For the love of the Gods would you please turn it off. I already got a shower today." Liam grumbles, reaching up to gather his wet golden mane into a bun at the base of his neck.

Hale ignores him as he begins stalking towards me, anger rolling off of him in pulsing blue waves. I retreat a few steps until he cages me between his arms against the side of the canyon. I was trapped with no where to go. I scream as lightning strikes the rock wall directly beside us and turn my head to the side, pinching my eyes shut so I didn't have to look into his glowing blue orbs that crackled with dangerous power. I could feel his ragged breaths on my neck and do my best to fight him when he grabs my chin and forces me to face him.

"Look at me." he demands.

"No." I keep my eyes pinched shut.

"Gods damn it! I said look at me, Woman!"

I slowly peel then open and relax slightly when I see that his hazel eyes have returned. "You almost died today." He whispers, searching my face.

"But I didn't." I shake my head out of his grasp. "You saved me."

"What if I hadn't gotten there in time?" Anger rises in his voice.

"But you did." I argue.

"But what if I hadn't!" He turns from me and runs his hand through his curly hair before he bows his head slightly and sighs. "We're going back to camp." He announces to no one particular. "Now." 

Cas and Liam unfurl their wings at his order, preparing to fly us back up the cliff. Liam flaps his grey wings a few times causing the pebbles at our feet to shift. I'm in the middle of admiring his large wingspan when I finally meet his eyes. "See something you like?" He grins devilishly.

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