Chapter 22

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"If you value your life, you will take your filthy fucking hands off of her," the newcomer snarled in warning. "Now."

I took a step towards him, only for the male standing in front of me to slam me backwards, shoving me up against the tree once more. I cried out as the bark cut into the exposed skin of my back. 

Thunder rolled in the distance and lightening cracked across the sky, causing me to jump against the arm firmly pressed across my chest. Once again my back slammed into the tree and I whimpered.

"Hurt her again, and it will be the last thing you do."

"She seemed to be enjoying herself until you showed up," the man pinning me against the tree purred. "Isn't that right, Sweetness?" he ran a finger over one my nipples again, the peak instantly hardening against the fabric of my dress.

"I will not tell you again. Lay another finger on what's mine and I will end you." he growled.

"Funny, I  didn't see your name branded on her anywhere." the first male drawled as his finger roamed across my collarbone, "And I was very thorough with my search."

Both of their voices sounded familiar, but with the blindfold firmly in place, I couldn't be sure, "Alright, you're both alpha males with huge wingspans. Now can we stop measuring dicks and go back to the party? I'm getting cold." I lied.

The second male, the one to my left, took a step closer, earning a warning rattle from the man who still held me against the tree. 

I was beginning to get really fucking sick of their shit, "Okay. You can let me go now," I told the man whose arm still pressed against me.

But when I push at his arm, he doesn't budge. I kick his shin, but he only digs his elbow into my chest harder. Lightning strikes the ground next to where we stand and I scream. The man holding me isn't phased, he still does not release his hold. 

I could feel the anger building deep inside me. It started as a simple spark that was now growing into a raging inferno. I placed both hands on the stranger's forearm and dug my nails in deep, "I said. Let. Me. Go."

I could smell his burning flesh but he still refused to let go of me. 


I concentrated on my rage, allowing it to collect into a single point of contact, my hands. I could feel the heat as they sizzled against his arm, yet he appeared to be unbothered, which only angered me further. Bright light streamed through the blindfold and I struggled to keep my eyes open under the fabric. "Will one of you please stop doing that! The light is hurting my eyes."

"We're not doing anything, Sweetness," the male holding me responded.

If they weren't doing it, that meant... "Me?" I rotated my hands in front of my face, the light dancing off each of my fingers. "But how?" I turned towards the male on my left.

"Your elemental is growing stronger, Seraphina," he took a step closer.


The only person to ever call me that was, "Hale?" I took a step in his direction. 

"It's going to be okay little fire, I won't let him hurt you." he inched closer.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you,"  the male holding me rattled low, pulling me from the tree then spinning me around and using me as a shield.

Thanks to the glowing light coming from my hands, I was able to make out a blurry outline of a male standing a few yards away. But the feeling of something sharp pressing against my throat had drawn my attention back to the male behind me. 

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