Chapter 56

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When we arrived back at the castle, I wasn't thinking about the ball. Or if my dress had made it back to my room in time like the dressmaker promised. And while the overall splendor was nothing like I'd ever experienced before, I wasn't distracted by the alluring melody drifting from the ballroom. Or the thousands of twinkling lights that decorated the ceiling like stars.

Instead, I was thinking about death.

For whatever reason, the obsidian drapes of velvet strewn across the castles floor to ceiling windows reminded me of the Grim Reaper, which made me think about Chaos. The Angel of Death himself. I started daydreaming about him touching me again - about him kissing me. The soft feel of his full lips whispering across my heated skin. I'd nearly blacked out from pleasure when he caressed my wings with those gentle, tattooed hands. The same hands that were dripping with the blood of the thousands of innocents he's killed.

What is wrong with me?

We entered the main hall where dozens of couples loitered about, and I shoved those thoughts into the deepest part of my mind and pressed myself closer into Eira's side. I gripped her hand tighter, and picked up my pace as we hurried down the corridor, up the stairs, and down the hall towards our adjacent rooms. 

"I'll grab my makeup and gown from my room, you start on that rats nest you call hair."

"You're so bossy." I smiled as we both reached for the handles of our doors. I quickly slipped inside and made a beeline for the bathroom to comb out the tangles and knots.

I was still doing my best to pin my crimson waves into a semblance of a style when she barged into my room exactly two minutes later, looking like a goddess in her periwinkle mermaid gown. Realizing that I was still struggling with my hair, she shook her head in disproval then batted my hands away.

"Here, holds these."

Tears blurred my vision as I stared down at the fire opal hair pins she placed in my hands. I'd not seen them since the night of the equinox hunt. The same night I'd kissed Chaos for the first time - and almost burned down the entire camp after Hale tied me to his bed.

"Where did you find them?"

Eria stepped behind me and began braiding a series of plaits then plucked one of the jeweled pins from my palm. "I found them in Hale's tent when I went to pack a few of your things before we came here. I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring them."

"Thank you." I turned to hug her after she pinned the last strand in place. She hugged me back fiercely, but when she went to step back I hugged her tighter, refusing to let go. "Thank you for always being there for me. For bringing joy back into my life. For being my best friend, and the sister I never had. Thank you for loving me, even when I didn't love myself."

This time when she pulled back I let her. Grasping my face between her dainty hands, she leaned her forehead against mine and whispered, "I will always be there for you, no matter what. And I love you. But if you don't get your ass moving, we will never make it to the party." We both laughed then parted from each other so we could continue to get ready.

Because we'd arrived back so late, my ladies maids must've already departed, thinking I was not planning to attend. But to my relief, Kenna had left my gown on top of the bed along with my shoes, jewelry and wrapped box I'd never seen before.

"What's that?" 

"What's what?" Eira leaned in towards the bathroom mirror to apply a thick line of kohl around her ice blue eyes.

"There's something on my bed." I padded over to pick up the small pink package, turning it over in my hands to look for a card. 

"Well, don't keep me waiting in suspense. Who's it from?"

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