Chapter 11

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I wake to the irritating feeling of hair tickling my nose, and I scrunch my face in response. I am vaguely aware of someone leaning over me, their hot breath smacking me in the face with each exhale. I could feel the pressure beginning to build in my chest, and I hold my breath, trying to contain it. But when I feel a finger lifting one of my eyelids, I couldn't help it when my body spasms and I sneeze directly into Liam's face.

"Ew!" Liam jumped back, face contorting into a disgusted expression that has me giggling. "Could you at least try aiming to the side next time?"

Swallowing past the dryness in my throat, I planned to call him out on being such a creeper for hovering over me while I slept, but when I opened my mouth to speak nothing came out. Instead, I stare at him impatiently, waiting for him to look at me so I could signal my need for a drink. Oblivious, Liam continues wiping his face with the hem of his tunic. I have to reach out and tug on his sleeve before I am able get his attention.

"For the love of the Gods! What?" he whined, lifting his face from the material of his shirt so he could glare at me.

"Water." I croak. It's so low that it's barely a whisper, so I add in a hand gesture too so he got the idea.

"Shit." He grimaces before reaching over and grabbing his canteen. Twisting it open before he gently lifts it to my lips, "Sorry little lion."

I guzzle greedily until water runs down the sides of my mouth and I hold up my hand, signaling that I've had enough.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask while wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

His forehead wrinkled at my question. "What? Little lion?"

I nod. 

"Because it suits you. Why? Do you want me to stop?" he smirks.

"No, I didn't say that," I roll my eyes, "I was just curious. I think you've called me little lion more than my actual name."

His eyebrows arch, reaching towards the top of his forehead. "Well I'm sorry if I caused any offense, Nova." 

He smiled darkly, clearly pleased with himself for using my name opposed to the nickname. It was the way he annunciated it that had me cringing. 

"Yeesh, okay. You can keep calling me little lion if it gets you to stop saying my name like that," I giggle, covering my mouth with my hand to stop the laughter from bubbling up.

"Like what?" he gasped, "Am I saying it wrong?" he mocked, placing a hand over his heart. 

"I am so sorry, Nova, that was not my intention. Nova, is such a beautiful name after all, and I'd hate to call you by the wrong name, Nova." 

It was the last Nova that did me in. We both erupted into laughter and I couldn't help it as I began snorting in a very unladylike fashion.

"Okay. Okay. Stop. Please," I wipe the dampness out of the corners of my eyes, continuing to laugh until I look at him through the tears only to see sadness etching his features.

"Aelia used to laugh just like that," he mumbled solemnly. 

"I'm sorry," I whisper, biting my lip while looking down at my knotted hands.

"Don't be," he placed his warm hand on my bare knee. "I didn't think I would ever get to hear that sound again. Thank you." he patted my leg a few times before he stood.

"Will you tell me about her?" I glance up at him, hopeful that he will share more about the woman who held the hearts of both my men.

Snap out of it Nova! They are not your men. 

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