Chapter 43

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I awoke just after four in the morning, panting and covered in sweat.

The suite remained bathed in shadows, say for two beams of moonlight peaking through the thick velvet curtains of the cathedral style floor to ceiling windows. 

The incessant ticking of a small clock sitting on a wooden mantel above the fireplace was enough to drive anyone mad, but for me it served as a happy reminder that I was awake, no longer trapped inside the nightmare. 

Violent tremors continued to wrack my body, but as I stared up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but smile as my fingers grazed up and down the valley between my breasts, over the jagged white scar that ravaged the otherwise perfect skin. 

I was happy. Not because it was early enough for me to try and get a few more hours of sleep, but because contrary to what Taji claimed, I believed that the concealment spell surrounding me was beginning to unravel on its own.

Tonight I had been given another small piece of the puzzle, and for the first time in a long time, I had hope that the rest of my memories would return.

A soft moan sounded from the darkness, causing the hair to rise on the back of my neck.

A scream lodged itself in my throat and I slapped a hand over my mouth to prevent it from escaping.

Not once had it hadn't occurred to me that I was not alone in my room, especially since I'd locked the door to ensure a certain thundercloud couldn't get in until I was good and ready to face him again.

Before I could investigate, the intruder moaned again. 

Male, he was definitely a male. But who was crazy enough to break into my room in the middle of the night?

I was half a second away from lighting the match when the curtains billowed on a soft breeze, casting a shred of light on a disfigured face belonging to the irritatingly beautiful male who'd broken my heart just a few hours ago.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I whisper yelled as I ripped back the covers and stalked towards him. 

Despite my miniature tantrum, Hale remained asleep, slumped into an oversized armchair at the foot of my bed.

"No," he whimpered, "don't touch her."

"Hale, wake up." I placed a hand on his bare shoulder, shaking him gently.

His tanned skin was hot to the touch and his dark head continued to thrash from side to side. "Please, leave her alone." He begged.

"Hale -" I reached out to smooth his damp hair away from his brow, pausing when I felt the icy kiss of steel digging into the soft column of my throat. 

My heart thundered in my chest as my Mate silently rose from the chair, his hardened gaze never leaving my face. His eyes were wild as they scanned over me, assessing me, but not really seeing me.

I lifted a hand to his wrist and he snarled, the edge of the jewel tipped blade pressing even deeper against my neck, causing blood to dribble down the front of my light blue nightdress. 

Only when I reached up higher to cup his cheek, did the darkness begin to fade from his eyes. 

"Firefly?" Hale choked, his voice barely above the hum of a whisper.

I bit my lip, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall as Hale's gaze lowered to the hand that still held a dagger against my throat. 

The harsh pang of metal clattering against hardwood floor echoed throughout the room, sending a jolt up my spine. 

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