Chapter 46

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Shadow, aka Chaos, King of House Scorpius, and the descendant of the Zodiac God of Death, continued to study me with morbid curiosity, while I did the same to him. 

War raged on all around us, but our focus remained on each other. Two predators watching their prey, waiting for the opportunity to strike at the first sign of weakness. 

He'd sent the two remaining soldiers off somewhere with a sharp command, and they obeyed without question, leaving me alone with the Angel of Death.

"There's something different about you that I can't quite put my finger on," he mused as he circled me, stroking his jaw with a tattooed hand. 

The giant membranous wings I'd seen the other night were no where in sight, and I found myself frowning slightly in disappointment. "Funny, I was about to say the same thing."

Something like amusement sparkled in his eyes as he stepped closer. But as he crouched down, and his eyes met mine, I could have sworn I saw something else lurking just beneath the surface of his handsome face.

Swallowing, I cleared my throat. "Are you done eye-fucking me yet? Because I have better things to do than sit here all day while you and your men murder thousands of innocents."

Sinful lips pulled back in a smile as he reached out to rub his thumb over my bottom lip. "Such a filthy mouth. I hope you still have that fire after I'm done driving my cock into that sweet cunt of yours."

"If your micropenis goes anywhere near me, I will bite it off and fuck you with it until you're screaming for mercy," I warned.

Chaos chuckled, rising from the ground. "I would expect nothing less from you, little fire." He reached out a hand to help me up. 

I narrowed my eyes at the gesture, then bated it away. "Don't, call me that."

His raven colored locks shifted over his eyes as he cocked his head, and I found myself itching to reach out to push the silky strands away. 

"What would you have me call you then?"

Before I could open my mouth, a massive displacer beast rounded the corner, stalking an unarmed male, who was now backed up against a brick wall, shouting at the vile creature as he searched around frantically for a weapon.

I knew what was coming, but that didn't mean I had to watch. I slammed my eyes shut and turned my head, but nothing could drown out the noise of the male's screams as the beast descended upon him. 

When I opened my eyes again, the beast was gone and I found Chaos watching me. His icy gaze holding me prisoner as if he longed to say something but decided not to.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"Because I can." He said simply.

My lip wobbled as hatred like no other filled me. "You're a monster."

He shrugged. "We're all villains in someone's story. I would gladly be yours if that's what you want me to be."

"They told me you were the scum of the earth." I ground out as tears poured down my reddening cheeks. "And now I see that they were right."

Chaos's nostrils flared as he took a giant step closer, grabbing me by the throat, pulling me in close enough that I could feel the rapid beat of his black heart. 

"I'll let you in on a little secret, Sweetness," he sneered, his forked tongue flicking out to caress my cheek and I fought to turn my head away. "I don't give a flying fuck what they say about me. I know I am a monster. But you want to know something?" He whispered, leaning in closer, his hand tightening its hold around my neck. "They made me what I am."

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