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6 months later


Finally everything has been clarified and no one was kidnapped or harmed. Mum and Luke moved to the farm after the liberation so they could always be close to us. In Idris, all damage has finally been settled. Of course, the council noticed everything and did investigations, and it turned out that I was right in my assumption. Maia did all of this because she never processed the pain of Jordan's death. To this day I don't know why she had to abduct Izzy and the children. In any case, she was convicted by both the council and the Mundies' court. She is now spending the next ten to twenty years behind bars for the first time and will do no more harm. Luke quit his police job and is now retired.
As for Jonathan, he also lives near us and has finally changed for the better. He asked the council to take his power and they did. Now he's no longer a threat, and if Jace or I can't babysit the kids, he'll take care of them. Izzy and Simon are happily back together and their daughter has finally been able to overcome her claustrophobia. Magnus and Alec are in a good mood too. Since the kidnapping, they've been keeping an eye on Daphne, and at least one of her brothers is close by.
And Jace and I? After the hearing, I gave up my job at the school and, together with my husband, I run the institute. Since the incident with Maia, Simon has never mentioned her name again. He suffered the most from it. Maia was his best friend and they went through a lot together, but her behavior surprised him the most.
"When will the meal be ready?" asks Janik. I'm standing in the kitchen on the farm with my mum, Izzy and Catarina. We all met here to finally be able to spend time together again. Smiling, I hand him one Key with food. He goes away grumbling. I follow him with my hands full and the others are waiting for me outside in the garden. They are all sitting at the table and talking animatedly.
"Can someone help you?" asks Max. For this he gets a nudge in the ribs from his sister. "Very funny!"
"Me too," she says, amused.
"Okay, will you guys stop arguing?" I ask as I sit down between our men with Izzy.
"We're not fighting, Aunt Clary! We're just arguing!" Max says to me. While a heated discussion about fighting ensues, Mum and Catarina arrive with the rest of the food. Then they sit down and we eat together. Luke bangs his fork on the glass and everyone falls silent in an instant .
"I just wanted to say that I'm glad all my loved ones are here with me," he says. I look at him. He's finally happy again. So are the rest of us. We all finally have happy lives ahead us. together.


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