Chapter 23

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Even though I haven't told anyone about my encounter, I still have the feeling that Catarina suspects something. After Izzy and Daphne left, the other two went for a walk. We didn't talk much though. I don't want to offend Magnus, but Catarina is just nicer company in some situations. You can talk to her, but you can also be silent with her. When she said I was hiding something, I almost choked. That was enough answer enough for her. Because she had her proof. Even though I didn't give a correct answer, she didn't ask any more questions either.
I curse and look at my teacup. While I was reminiscing, my tea got cold without drinking anything. So I get up and throw the cup of tea away. In the meantime, I've lost my thirst for tea, which is why I don't make a new one. I just can't get my head off what's in the diary. What dealer writer meant? And who took it? Why would anyone steal the records? All of these questions and more keep popping up in my mind. I didn't tell the others, but I was in touch with Jace the whole time. I also didn't tell him about the experiences on the property and in the forest. Luckily he didn't notice it through the flame message. I let my gaze wander. I suddenly realize how tired I actually am. So I go back upstairs and go to sleep.

Less than ten hours later I'm standing in front of Catarina's front door. But she doesn't open. Strange. Usually it always opens immediately. I count to 100 and ring the bell again. But this time the door remains closed. So I pull out my stele and draw an opening rune on the door. A moment later it swings open, squeaking softly. I close them quietly behind me. No one needs to know right away that I'm here. I'm in some kind of little hallway. Only two jackets hang neatly on the hooks here. And underneath are her shoes. I quietly walk on and end up in the kitchen, which is directly adjacent to the living room, and look around. Here, too, everything is meticulously arranged. The usual kitchen equipment, as found in any normal household, can be seen. There is an open book on the dining table. It looks like she just got up and will be back any minute. Even her coffee is next to it. I take it carefully in my hand. I notice with amazement that it is still warm. She probably hasn't been gone long. I put the cup back and go to the first floor. But I can't find anything there. So I leave the house and make my way to Izzy and Daphne. Maybe she's with them. But here, too, I only find an abandoned house. It's still set up the way it was ten years ago and nothing has changed. Worried, I search all of Alicante. But the other shadow hunters can't help me either. So, with a heavy heart, I create a portal and teleport away.

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