Chapter 34

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There is constant activity in the council building. We only get through with difficulty. Several times we have to prove in writing that Magnus and Luke belong to the council. But after we got through the big hall and finally arrived in the office area, the hustle and bustle has subsided significantly. As I walk by, I notice how artistically and lovingly the wooden doors are decorated. We stop at the largest and most beautiful door. Magnus raises his hand and knocks. We wait a few minutes for the confirmation that we can come in. The inquisitor finally opens the door for us. She looks at us in surprise.
"Hatch! Magnus! What can I do for you?"
"Our friends have been kidnapped and we need help urgently!" I say. The boys let me go first after the inquisitor has ushered us in.
"How were you kidnapped?"
"I saw them that evening and then they just couldn't be found the next morning," I say. My voice trembles slightly. Only now do I take a closer look at her. She has brown, shoulder-length hair and brown eyes I it, the prescribed council dress.
"And why are you coming to me with this and not going to the consul?" she asks. I notice how her voice rises a little.
"Well you are responsible for interrogating suspects. So we thought you might be able to help us," says Simon. The woman's eyes sink instantly. And for a moment, I think of the sword that was used several times in my interrogations earlier. However, I seem to be the only one who needs to think about it.
"That's right, Simon Lewis, but I don't think I can help you!" she says harshly. I look at her in surprise. Why is she being so unfriendly towards us? She's probably afraid that we're going to be too much work for her I take a closer look at their eyes. Weren't they a little darker just now? I glance at the others, but they just look at them angrily. So they haven't noticed. Or am I just imagining it and in reality, her eye color hasn't changed at all. So, just to be safe, I take another look at her eyes. This time, I see a definite glint in her eyes. So I wasn't wrong and she's hiding something from us. Without thinking twice I get up and walk around the table. She stops mid-sentence and looks at me in surprise. I keep walking towards her and walking away from me. The boys try to stop me, but Alec rejects them. He seems to suspect what I'm up to and therefore holds the others back. The woman probably thinks she is successful. But she doesn't seem to know that she actually does exactly what I want. For a moment she stops. She stands with her back against the wall and looks at me in panic. Because she clearly recognized the object in my hand.
"What... the... Archangel are you up to?" she chokes out through clenched teeth. I smile sweetly at her.
"Nothing bad!" I just reply. Then I ram my dagger in her stomach. Immediately she falls to the ground, sucking sugar and an unidentifiable smoke envelops her.
"Clary!" Luke says accusingly. But Jace, Simon and Alec kneel next to me and watch the sugaring woman.
"How did you know it was a demon?" Simon asks appreciatively. I shrug.
"Oh you know Simon, at some point you develop something like a sixth sense."
"But you're not turning into a cat or anything?" he asks. But I shake my head in horror.
"Great, my best friend thinks I'm an animal," I say, mockingly offended.

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