Chapter 46

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Where are they? It's well past midnight now. And the girls are still not there. Izzy and Clary left before three. But we haven't heard from them or the children.
"We have to do something!" says Simon. He gives me the impression that he will soon lose his temper.
"If the girls don't get in touch in the next half hour then we'll have to act," Alec decides. But Magnus shakes his head.
"If we step in now and help the girls, we may be more of a problem for them," he says.
"Magnus is right," I say, for the first time in hours. I reluctantly agree with the warlock. My brother gives me a warning look, but I ignore him skillfully.
"And why do you have to be the sensible one?" asks the former vampire. I turn abruptly to Simon.
"If you have a problem with that, feel free to go on your own and make trouble for the girls," I reply rudely.


I fell into her trap unnoticed. Because Isabelle and Clarissa turned the tables without my noticing.
"Even if you think you've won, you're wrong," I say triumphantly.
"What do you mean by that?" Clary asks. I don't even bat an eyelash as I reply, "I always have something up my sleeve, keep that in mind," I say. I snap my fingers at that. A moment later, some of my pack members appear. They push the children in front of them and have a knife pressed to their throats. But the children do not resist this gesture. Apparently they know what's at stake.
"As promised, we brought your children. However, only in exchange for my chain.", I say businesslike. Neither of them move.
"First you bring the kids over to us," Clary demands. But I'm so stupid and fall into her trap a second time. I shake my head.
"I only give one child first and against the chain you get the rest."
"OK. Give my daughter first," says Izzy. Apparently they expected my demand. Crap! Walked into another trap!


Maia has already gone back to our family. Because we lied a bit about our companionship. It's true the boys are still at the apartment, but Luke is here with his colleagues. They've been hiding around the graveyard, just waiting for one wrong move. Izzy looks at me. We agreed beforehand that Maria would be the first to come to us. But as agreed, she first sends María over and in return I give her her necklace.
"Thank you." At her signal, her buddies send the others to us. It doesn't take long and the children are with us. However, my son is missing.
"Where's my son?" I ask in a controlled manner. It won't be long and I'll go for her throat, Chiara, who's standing next to me, grabs my hand.


I smile at Clary. It was clear to me that I could still use leverage. Once I'm gone I'll take him to another safe place and he can enjoy his captivity there alone.
"If you don't give me my son right now, I can't guarantee anything," she rants. But I just turn around and go through the east exit. However, I'm in for a surprise. There are armed cops around the cemetery. "Where are they from? Wait a minute! Did Clary and Isabelle just distract me and let the cops get their hands on me?"
"Hands up. All and no tricks.", calls the foremost police officer. Without putting up much of a fight, I allow myself to be arrested and taken away. However, before the police officer can push me into the car, I turn around again. The two followed us with the children and left stopped at a distance.
"You will regret it. Even if I'm arrested now, you still haven't got your mother and son.
"Where else are we going to find them?" says Luke. He is wearing his normal uniform and looks at me in disappointment.
"We'll talk at the station," he says before the car door is slammed in my face. Together with the other werewolves, I am taken to the station with blue lights and sirens. There we are all housed in solitary confinement.


Finally they are all back. With joy I pull my daughter into a tight hug. As we pull apart, I meet Clary's gaze.
"What's wrong?" I ask her, wiping away her tears.
"You didn't give Janik away. They also kidnapped my mother," she says in a weak voice. Anger boils inside me.
"But Luke was able to arrest Maia and the others," interjects Izzy. She's also standing with her family, eyeing me with concern.
"What do you mean?" asks Alec.
"Maia kidnapped Mum. She's probably keeping the two of them trapped together somewhere," says Izzy. I assume she wants to help Clary.

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