Chapter 3

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As soon as I closed the front door behind me, I heard the excited voices. I kick my shoes off and they both land in different corners. As I bend down and put my shoes away properly, a groan escapes me.
"One might think that you just saved the world.", sounds a voice that is all too familiar to me. I turn around and look into golden eyes. They appear to be made of liquid gold. His blond curls hang wildly over his forehead.
"That's how I feel too!" I say while hanging my jacket on the straight robe.
"What happened?" asks Jace. He lets his gaze wander over my body. He noticed how dirty my clothes are. Typical Jase. He always notices immediately when something is wrong. Before I can justify my soiled clothes, he hugs me.
"Nice to have you back. I've missed you already!" I quickly break away from him and he looks at me questioningly.
"I'll jump into the shower and clean myself up." I immediately turn around and rush into the bathroom. Before that, I make a brief stop in the bedroom and get something clean out of the closet. In the bathroom, I peel off my mud-encrusted clothes. In the shower I scrub all the dirt off my skin for the first time. I have to rub it several times. But after a few minutes, success shows up and my body shines clean. As soon as I've dried myself off, I comb through my red hair. I have to first wipe the mirror free of the steam.

When I finally arrive clean and washed in the kitchen, they are waiting for me. The three of you sit at the dining table and discuss the best weapons and how to use them. However, when I walk in, they immediately fall silent and look up.
"Mom, you're back!" Chiara exclaims happily. She is Jase and my only daughter. As she jumps up and down her throat, her red curls, so similar to mine, bounce up and down. Janik, our firstborn, snorts. He brushes his blond hair away from his face. Jase sits at the table and watches Chiara and me carefully. A slight smile crosses his face.
"Janik!" my husband scolds him. Because he was about to steal some of the food. I just shake my head.
"What actually happened?" asks Jase. While Chiara is busy slicing up her food. I take a deep breath and briefly summarize the events of the last few hours. My family listens to me silently and attentively.
"Where did the demons come from?" my husband asks late in the evening. We're in the bedroom getting ready for bed. My mother got married shortly after beating my brother. After that, everyday life settled down to some extent. A few years after my mother got married, Jase proposed to me too. Shortly thereafter, our friends also got married.
"I have no idea!" I say, lost in thought.
"Who could be responsible for that?" he starts pacing. While he's pacing around brooding, I drop onto the soft bed. Then I brush my hair. After what felt like an eternity, he still doesn't stop.
"Can you please come to bed and stop driving me crazy? We can worry about this tomorrow," I finally ask. He stops immediately and looks at me apologetically.
"Sorry darling. Of course we can discuss it tomorrow. I was just..."
"...trapped in my thoughts.", I finish his sentence. He nods in agreement and finally comes into bed with me. I snuggle up to him and enjoy the warmth radiating from his body to the fullest.
"I love you!" he says, lost in thought. I'm just mumbling because I'm so tired. It could also have been counted as approval. What I hear before falling asleep are his murmured words sleep well my angel and a tender kiss on the forehead.

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