Chapter 37

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When I come to myself hours later, I have to find my way around for the first time. After a few moments I realize that I am lying on a soft surface? What the....? But I feel carefully around me and feel silk under my hands. Wait a moment. Silk? Why do I feel silk? Then I realize I'm lying on a four-poster bed, although I wasn't lying there before I passed out.
"You're finally awake again," says a male voice. Irritated, I sit up and take a closer look around. The bedroom is kept in a simple white and blue. The walls are white, the curtains on the windows and the room door are blue, the furniture is also painted blue, while the four-poster bed is white. Only now do I dare to look at the person on my bed. Under their weight, the mattress sinks a little. As soon as I look up, I already look at deep black eyes, I wince in shock.
"What's the matter, darling?" Jonathan asks worried. I shake my head.
"I can be true. We are siblings and we are known to be getting married..." begin. But he interrupts me by shaking his head.
"What then?"
"We've never been related. Maybe you're alluding to Jace, but....We got married fifteen years ago and...", he doesn't get any further. Because at that moment the door opens a little and a small figure comes in. With Jonathan's help the boy comes on the bed, then he looks at me worried.
"Are you all right?" he asks.
"Don't worry about mum. She will be again. She only cut herself while cutting and lost consciousness in the process. Don't worry.", he talks soothingly to our son. I look at him in amazement. He looks like his father. Without a word, he crawls towards me and I give him a warm hug I don't care if he's really my son or not I'm about to say something to Jonathan, but before I say it I realize how torn away I am.

I wake up again, completely out of breath and disoriented. After squinting against the sun, I can see better again. Then I realize that I'm still in this wasteland with the others. The others make horrified faces too. Apparently they too had strange visions. Alec, who's kneeling next to me, is pale as a sheet.
"What did you see?" I ask softly. He sees me. However, his gaze is far away, which reinforces his confused impression.
"They were all dead," he whispers softly. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"What exactly happened?"
"Everyone was dead. Iz, Magnus, my parents and even the rest of you too. And I had a bloodstained sword in my hand."
"Oh Alec. We all have such strange visions. It's just that we've forgotten the ramifications of that." I encourage him. Well, at least I'm trying.
"What the Archangel!" Jace swears. I give him a look, trying to silently imply that Alec is upset.
"What was that please?" Luke and Magnus ask at the same time.
"When we freed you back then, we also had insane visions. Only with the difference that they are now more violent."
"And what do we do now?" I ask helplessly.
"We'd better go to the cave from last time. It's already getting dark and we should get some shelter before it gets dark.." says Alec. We set off in agreement.


When something sharp cuts into my skin, I try to sit up, but I can't. Because both my arms and legs were tied up. A belt is also stretched across my stomach. With all the strength I have left, I try to tug at it or free myself in some other way.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Maia says. I glare at her.
"And why not?"
"Because that would put a lot of lives at risk," she says with a grin. The werewolf girl walks around me and types something into a computer. Then she turns back to me.
"Now you're probably wondering what I mean by that. Well, as far as I know, your loved ones are on their way here to set you free, and if you don't want anything to happen to them then..." She lets the sentence hang in the air, but I know what they're saying.
"Even if you manage to catch them, I don't think they'll bend," I hiss. I'd rather not tell her that Jace could easily set some things on fire here with his heavenly fire. But I am him I think I'd better keep that to myself.
"You must be wondering why I kidnapped you guys..." she begins. But I pretend I don't mind in the slightest.
"What do you want from me?" I get straight to the point instead. She just looks at me silently.
"I want you to lead me to your angel sword. You guys use that for interrogations, don't you?" I'd rather not correct her. Because it's actually quite funny that she doesn't have a clue of what she's saying.
"And why should I help you? After all, you kidnapped us and surely set a trap for the others.", I hurl at her. Her face slips for a moment.
"And what do you mean with ?"
"Well, I take it you've got something on your mind again. Although I'm still not sure why you're making all this fuss."
"You don't know how it feels when the love of your life is suddenly murdered. And that's only because some guy went totally nuts. Do you think how it feels to be completely alone?" I don't say anything to that. Because I don't know how much Simon told her. And I don't want to know at all. I stare at the ceiling without a word. Several iron stars hang above me.
"How long have you been planning this?"
"From the moment I realized Jordan was never coming back."
"You do realize you can't bring him back, right?"
"And if I can do that. With the help of the sword and dark magic, I can resurrect him. It worked for Jace too."
"Wait a moment! The archangel brought him back to the living and not the other way around," I correct her this time. She just smiles at me. Pushes her hair back and turns her back to me. Without another word, she leaves the room, leaving me tied lie there.

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