Chapter 7

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I brush in my mouth. Somehow it got there without my noticing. I take it out and stick it in my pocket my hair up. As I gather my things, the last of the students leave the classroom. At first, the students wondered about my unusual name, but that is no longer the case. Surprisingly, the council agreed to my return went into the Mundie world. On the contrary. They thought it would be a good idea to have a shadowhunter keep an eye on the Mindies. After all, we're only doing this to protect them. While I pack up the last of the materials and go through it again My cell phone rings, I stop and answer it.
"Hi mom. What's up? Is there anything I can do for you?" I said after picking up the call.
"Where are you right now?" she asks immediately.
"I'm at school, why?" I ask, putting the broom aside and grabbing my bag.
"Oh. It's not that important!"
"Mom! I know you. I know you only called me because you wanted to control me!" I counter as I walk down the halls of the school. I hear silence on the other end. So I was right and my mom just wanted to control me "While I'm still thinking about how to save the situation, I only hear a beeping on the other end. So Mum has already hung up. She moved to Idris with Luke, to be precise in Amatis' house, but now they are both on vacation on his farm.

As soon as I enter the institute, I can already hear the excited voices. Not only has the Council changed the rules regarding the Mundies, but also regarding the Shadowen. Which is why Magnus can easily be here now. He couldn't have been here before, let alone set foot there. I follow the voices and end up in the conference room. As soon as I step through the door, everyone stares at me. Izzy, the one between Maia and Catarina Loss (the blue-skinned witch) immediately jumps up.
"Clary! There you are. Jase announced that you'll be late. But I didn't expect you that late!" she says immediately. Jase, who is sitting with Alec, Magnus and Simon, looks at his adoptive sister angrily.umd
"I'm glad you're here!" Catarina says to me. She's the only witch I've met besides Magnus. As far as I know, she teaches at the Shadowhunter Academy. She comes up to me and gives me a warm hug Others hold back a little more. I quickly sit down next to Maia. She didn't move. She didn't even look up when I walked in. She suffered the most from the effects of the war. Because she lost the love of her life, Jordan. He died in an attack on the werewolf hideout. I nod to her and she returns my greeting.
"What I was about to say when Clary arrived was that..." Alec begins, looking around. "...we have to do something about the demons."
"And what do you have in mind?" Simon voices my thoughts. For this question he gets a scathing look from his brother-in-law. But Magnus puts his hand on his friend's arm.
"Leave him alone. Surely he just wanted..." he tries to placate Alec. But he doesn't go into it. I unobtrusively look sideways at the warlock. His otherwise neatly styled hair sticks out in all directions. Almost as if he had driven through it over and over again. I'm about to start eating something to ease the mood. As...

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