Chapter 35

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(from Isabelle's point of view)

I wake up with a groan. My whole body hurts like hell, almost like I got hit with my whip or something. I slowly sit up and try to see something. Which unfortunately isn't that easy when you're in total darkness. But after a few moments I can see something. Well, actually only outlines, but whatever. To be on the safe side, I turn my head once to the left and right. My neck cracks so badly that it echoes off the walls. Where am I? Why am I tied up? And where are the others please? All of these questions and many more are running through my head. Immediately I have to think of Simon and the children. Are they okay? What are they doing right now? But I don't get an answer to these questions either.
"Well, take a look. Our Sleeping Beauty has finally woken up," says a male voice. Somehow it sounds familiar to me. But where do I know it from?
"Hey, finally talk," says a second voice. This time it's a female voice. And in contrast to the male voice, it's clearly more exploratory. I don't trust my voice, so I prefer to remain silent. But that's a mistake as i realize in hindsight because the hands that presumably belong to the female voice roughly grab my hair and pull me up so just my hands were tied together and not like i thought they tied me to anything .
"Hey! You can't be so rough with her," the man replies. I think about it and suddenly it occurs to me. But I still don't move.
"And why should I hold back?"
"Because I ordered it!" says a second female voice. And this time I recognize it immediately. But I don't know what to do. They probably took everything from me while I was unconscious. So I can't tell the others Send message What a hassle!
"And why can't we be nicer?" the man asks.
"Because..." begins the woman who pulled me up by the hair.
"Because I don't want it," she interrupts the other one. A long discussion follows, but I don't get it anymore. Because I notice how the darkness stretches out its hands to me and tries to swallow me up. I fight back but not so much against it either, for I welcome them.

When I come to again, something has changed. I feel that immediately. Suddenly someone is sitting next to me, no, two, breathing shallowly. I sit up without a word and notice that my shackles have been removed.
"Izzy? Are you awake?" asks a female voice. Again I need a moment to orient myself. But after a few seconds the dizziness wears off and I can see something. Then I notice that Daphne and Catarina are sitting next to me. Both look a little upset out.
"W-what happened?" I ask weakly. My voice breaks badly. I guess I haven't used it for a long time.
"You were unconscious for a few days. But other than that, nothing else happened.", the blue witch answers my question. A few strands are hanging loosely on her face. And she strokes them with a monotonous movement. Her whole thing looks kind of stringy and her clothes are dirty and partly torn .I glance at my niece.She doesn't look well either.
"What happened after that?" I ask.
"Well, we don't know that. But we think they were trying to get information from you.", Daphne answers my question. I raise my eyebrows questioningly.
"And you think that because..."
"...because they did the same thing to us," Catarina says to me. I turn to her.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, they want to know where the others are. And since neither of us gave us any useful information, they just tortured you."
"Wait a moment. We were kidnapped just to be asked where the others are?"
"Correct!" I shake my head vehemently. There must be something else behind it," I disagree. The two look at me questioningly.
"And what are you thinking about?"
"Well, I think they're aiming for something with their questions other than just finding out the whereabouts of the others."
"Wait! Are you saying that Aunt Clary might have told the others and they're all in Idris?" Daphne asks and I nod slowly.
"If that's true and we are indeed responsible for the well-being of the others, then we should urgently help them," the witch says seriously. Daphne and I just look at her in silence.
"How about we warn them," Daphne then suggests. I look at her. "And how are you going to do that?"
"Well, I'm thinking of a flaming message."
"You do realize they took our guns from us, right?"
"Maybe, but I think I know how we're going to do it!" After noticing Catarina's and my questioning look, she rolls her eyes. Then she closes them and concentrates on her breathing. The other two of us look at each other questioningly. Then she opens them again and a moment later she has my stele in her hand.
"How did you do that?"
"Well, my father taught me a new spell. I focus on a specific person and think of the object I want from them. I use a compound that's very similar to the Parabatai rune," she explains. The other two just exchange a silent look. Although Catarina is also a witch, she doesn't seem to have heard of it yet.
"And what now?" I ask. Daphne holds out my stele silently. Then she snaps her fingers and a moment later she hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I think about it for a moment and then I start to write. But I write I don't write down our location, I write down something else.

(From Clary's point of view)

The demon goes limp on the ground, panting. I myself sit with hectic breathing I sit next to it.
"Why didn't you warn us?" Ragnor asks accusingly. I give him a look.
"If I had told you something, we couldn't have killed her," I reply irritably.
"And where do you want..." Alec begins. But he pauses as he watches me. I stand up silently and hold out my hand. A moment later I'm holding a folded piece of paper. I read the message wordlessly.
"If you're looking for me, don't look for me. When you need light, try to deal with the darkness. Where there is peace, there is also terror. Don't search during the day, and also at night..." I then read aloud.
"PS: please don't try to do anything stupid. IML," I add. I can tell from the others that they don't understand anything either.
"What do you mean?" asks Simon. Alec looks at him silently.
"Wait a minute..." says Jace. He starts pacing, tapping his forehead over and over.
"I'm a cry for help!" Simon says suddenly. We all look at him questioningly.
"Well think again. he asks rhetorically. Without waiting for a response, he continues. "Izzy was trying to warn us. Or tell us where they are."
"What makes you think of that?" Luke asks.
"IML stands for Isabelle Maria Lightwood," Alec explains.

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