Chapter 47

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I pound the solid stone wall of my cell in anger. Even if it doesn't help me, I can still vent my anger this way. It doesn't bother me that blood runs down between my fingers. Let them lock me up. I've reached my goal anyway and don't need to do anything else. If the cops interrogate me, all I have to do is keep quiet and they don't stand a chance. However, I am worried about my helpers. Some of them will probably soften under severe stress and will give everything away. But I have an ace up my sleeve for that, too. I sigh and sit down on my bunk. All of a sudden I'm really tired. I rub my face and stroke my matted hair. Why did I just fall into their trap? And not just once, but three times. The squeaking of the hinges startles me out of my thoughts. I blink as the cell door to my cell opens. Two uniformed officers drag me up and lead me to an empty room. There is only a table and two plastic chairs in it. One of the two police officers, the one with the bald head, pushes me onto the chair and handcuffs my hands to an iron bar provided for this purpose. Then leave me alone.


I reluctantly went home with my family. Against all reason, I wanted to go and find Janik immediately and free him.
"He was taken away before the rest of us were dragged to the cemetery," says Chaira as the three of us sit at the dining table.
"What do you mean?" her father asks. She gives Jace a searching look.
"It must have been shortly after your phone call. Because Maia came in and let my brother go away. Before that they gave us a sedative. But it didn't work for me right away, so I got to watch it," she explains. Jace and I exchange a look.
"Do you know where she got the anesthetic from?" I ask. First she shakes her head, but then she stops. Her brows rise. For a few moments her gaze is vacant.
"Wait. Yet! Someone who doesn't want to be known gave it to her," she says.


I had to wait what felt like an eternity for Luke to enter the room. He was my leader then, but since the war he's backed off a bit and let me lead. I've done it in between, but mostly just between door and hinge. Now that he's sitting in front of me, I don't recognize any of the old Luke in him at all. He looks totally exhausted and exhausted. Looking at him, I somehow doubt that he should ever have led a large clan. But I say nothing. He sits silently across from me and looks at me. While we are both silent, he opens a folder that he has placed on the table in front of him and delves into the file.
"I know you too well, Maia Roberts! I know that you do nothing without a reason. So either you tell me what you know and I could put in a good word for you, or you play the heroine you're far from being and go to jail without any help," he says after he's finished studying the file is done.
"Even if I keep quiet, which I do, I'll go to jail," I say.
"Oh, you're very selfish. Because whether you cooperate or not, you're going to go to jail anyway."
"Oh yes and why?"
"Because you have too much in the account, my dear. So are you cooperating?" he asks me. I know he still wants to help me now. Does he know I'm behind Jocelyn's kidnapping? But I don't care either.
"Why did you kidnap her?" he asks into the silence. But I don't say anything. He sits in front of me for a few minutes, then he gets up and paces around. But that doesn't interest me either.
"All right then!" he says with a sigh. "So you want to play the I-know-about-nothing game? Fine with me. However, you'll be pretty lonely in your cell." With these words he leaves me alone again.


Angry and furious, I leave the interrogation room and go to my office. I'm so disappointed in Maia. I trusted her and behind my back she has my family kidnapped! As soon as I closed the door behind me, I startled. In front of me are my adopted daughter and her family. While Clary and Chaira have taken the visitor's chairs, Jace stands behind them. He's always had a good protective instinct.
"What can I do for you guys?" I ask as I take off my jacket and hang it over my chair. After that I sit down and motion for Jace to sit down, but he just shakes his head.
"We need to talk to you, Grandpa!" says the little red-haired girl. She looks so much like her mother. The children saw me as a grandfather from the start and didn't doubt it either.
"What happened?" I ask wearily. Clary tugs at her nails, a habit she has whenever something has happened.
"It's about our son. When Maia brought the kids, she took Janik away first," says Jace. Like me, his hair stands on end. My daughter doesn't say anything. I can only see her concern.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Before we got to the cemetery, Maia drugged us all and took Janik with her," says the girl. I look at my granddaughter.
"We can't do anything without evidence," I say automatically. But she shakes her head.
"I watched it. The anesthetic didn't work for me right away, so I was able to see everything."
"Do you know where he is now?" she says no and the only answer to the next questions is no.
"I made a note on her record and will follow up. But please promise me you won't mess around," I finally say. I look at my daughter. "Especially you, please! You're my only daughter and I don't want to lose you too," I tell her. But she just gives me an annoyed look. I know she's pretty tense, but that's not usually how she reacts. So I just blame it on the circumstances.

Shadowhunters City of Love (English Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz