Chapter 14

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"Wow, I didn't expect that," says Jase. We stand in the devastated garden of the farm and look at the mess. I nod. "I thought so too when I saw it for the first time."
"It's best if we split up. Chiara and I continue to look at the garden while you both go into the house," says Jase. The rest of us nod in agreement. Together with my son, I enter the farmhouse. Here, too, things and shards are lying in a jumble. We carefully step over broken objects and systematically examine the entire house.While I examine the downstairs rooms, Janik goes upstairs and looks around.
"Mum, you should take a look at that!" he calls from upstairs. I rush upstairs and end up in my old childhood room. Luke left it as I left it. But there's a lot of chaos here too nothing spared!
"What is it?" He holds something out for me. As I get closer, I recognize the casket my mother shed tears over for years.
"What are you thinking?" he asks.
"W-where did you get it from?" I ask, my voice shaking. He points to the dresser. I cross the room and pull open the first drawer. I find some of my old clothes there. Even though there's nothing there, I search through them I them. The other two are also combed through. Only in the fourth do I find what I was looking for. With trembling fingers I pull out a leather bag. I know what it is and yet I open it. I knew it! Inside is the expected item.
"Mom? Say something. What's happening? What happened? Please talk to me?" I hear his voice. He squats down next to me. And I sit there with my son and the angel's chalice in the middle of the shards and don't move. I have the feeling that half an eternity will pass until Jase and Chiara show up. He recognizes the cup immediately and kneels down in front of me. Right into the shards. Chiara looks questioningly at her brother. He looks with his shoulders.
"Janik, Chiara is calling Izzy and the others. You should come here immediately. You have to see this." Jase orders. The two nod and leave the room.
"We came as soon as possible," says Iz as soon as she leaves the portal. The others appear behind her. Only Maia is not there.
"How does it look here? I remember it much neater," says Simon. He gets a punishing look from Luke for that.
"What happened?" Catarina asks. She sees herself and then sits down with Izzy on the destroyed sideboard.
"Everything was very different at the wedding," Ragnor says. He's the only one who didn't attend the wedding.
"If you weren't there, how do you know what it looked like?" Alec asks, appraising the warlock.
"I found an old and dusty wooden box upstairs in mum's old nursery. Then she found the angel's chalice.", Janik comes back to Catarina's question. With the last sentence, all the color drains from Magnus' face.
"What did you find?" he asks. I recount the events of the last half hour.
"And what do we do now?" Izzy asks after Luke has left with the children. Ragnor looks at her attentively. I can see something flashing in Simon's eyes. He doesn't like the way the warlock looks at his wife at all.
"We really need to talk to the council," Jase murmurs.
"If it weren't for the incidents in Idris!" adds Catarina. We're all seated now. Which isn't so easy when pretty much every inch of the floor is littered with broken glass. I look around.
"If only I could find a solution!" I say softly. Magnus, who seems to have heard, looks at me.
"You could be right."
"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. The others look at us questioningly.
"It's great if you get along, but unfortunately we're not in the know," Simon says.
"Clary probably found a solution. Am I right?" says Iz, kicking a large shard off with her foot. Catarina, still sitting next to her, gives me a look.
"And? Are we going to find out?" Ragnor says, looking at his old companion. Magnus doesn't say anything.
"Maybe we'll get more answers in Idris," I say about that. Izzy's eyes widen.
"Do you still have them?" she asks.
"How so? Seriously. Idris is our home. You didn't hesitate when my brother attacked Alicante, but now? I'll admit some things didn't happen until I showed up, but I would never put a loved one at unnecessary risk. If you don't want to help me, then do it for you and our children!" I say. That seems to stir something in Izzy.
"So nice. But we shouldn't all go."
"That's why the four of us will go," says Catarina. I nod in agreement.
"And who is #4?" asks Simon.
"Daphne!" Ragnor lets out. "Isn't it?" Catarina nods in agreement.
"We should go as soon as possible!" I say.
"And you're really sure everything's going to be alright?" Jase asks. We've just gone home so I can pack some things. Luke has agreed that we can go to Amanti's old house. I look at him. Too he knows how i feel about it.
"No," I just say. That's all. But Jase knows what I mean and nods.
" Promise you'll take care of yourself while you're here?" he asks as he takes me in his arms. I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Yes, I'll do it." He bends down to me and presses his lips gently to mine. If he hadn't held me tight, I would probably have fallen over. Which makes him smile. I break away from him again.
"We should go. After all, the others are waiting for us," I say reluctantly. Together we return to Magnus' apartment.

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