Chapter 42

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Somehow we are suddenly back in New York. One second we were in this basement and the next we're in the New York Institute. Completely exhausted, I let myself fall onto the nearest chair. Izzy looks exhausted too. But somehow we allergies are too excited to go to sleep now.
"What have we missed?" Daphne asks immediately. I rub my neck. Jace, who is standing behind my chair, registers it and doesn't say anything about it. Izzy also seems to have a tense neck because she sits completely upright the chair and just listen.
"When I couldn't find you the next morning after our evening meal, I checked your houses. But I didn't find you guys, so I decided to go back to New York. When I told the boys about your disappearance, right back to Idris. But we didn't find you. It wasn't until you, Izzy, got the message to us that I knew where you were. As soon as we were in the dimension, everything happened very quickly," I keep it short. The others are silent. Only occasionally does someone throw an aspect into the room.
"Wait a minute, where are my brothers and the others?" Daphne finally asks. I wince instantly.
"We asked Maia to watch her," I say slowly. As Jace says behind me, "Why?" he doesn't need to ask any more. 'Cause I'm on alert now.
"How can you just leave her with Maia?" Izzy asks in dismay. I look at her questioningly. Luke and Jace are confused too. Only the others aren't. They know something we don't!
"Because Maia is responsible for our kidnapping," says Izzy. At first I don't want to digest her words. My brain absolutely refuses to process the information. But then the message comes.
"She had us kidnapped and then held us," says Catarina. She only now breaks her silence. Since they left there, she hasn't said a single word.
"How would you know that?"
"Because she tells me her plan...." She doesn't get any further. Izzy immediately gets hectic red spots on her neck. Simon kneels in front of her and strokes her hands soothingly.
"What's the matter, darling?"
"Maia said she still has plans for our children," she says, her face pale as chalk. Alec also crouches in front of his sister.
"We have to find her." I say without thinking.
"And where are you?"
"At Clary's and my place!" Jace says, looking at me searchingly. He probably wants some kind of reaction from me. But I don't know what he wants.

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