Chapter 16

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The next morning I'm waiting at the fountain with Catarina. We made an appointment there and are just waiting. Catarina surprisingly came to my place for breakfast this morning. We had breakfast together and decided on the next steps.
"Where are they?" I ask. I don't know the area very well, but I know it's not that far from Izzy's house.
"No idea. Maybe they were kidnapped on the way or something?" asks Catarina. I can see that she too is unsure.
"Thanks!" I say.
"For what?"
"For taking extra time to help us. Even though you have a whole school to run," I reply. She just smiles in her own way. But doesn't say anything. That's one of the qualities I've learned to appreciate about her. I'm about to say something else, but here comes Iz and Daphne is already approaching us.
"Good. Morning!" Says Isabelle by way of greeting.
"How can you be in such a good mood, Aunty?" Daphne asks sourly. She looks like she fell out of bed.
"You don't look good," I say. She gives me a knowing look.
"Right, that's how I feel too!" she confirms irritably. Iz turns away, embarrassed.
"And? What's the plan?" Catarina changes the subject. I give her a grateful look. She asked the question knowing she already knew the answer. But she wants to help me.
"We will get an overview of the situation for the first time."
"But we can't search the whole city in one day!" interjects Iz. Stupidly, I didn't think about it. Why?
"I have an idea."

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