Chapter 4- Safe for now

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Y/N- What the hell are you doing?!

Taehyung- You've been avoiding me for months so I decided to take matters in my own hands.

*Sigh*. I do feel guilty about practically ghosting my oldest friend for months now...but can I really face him now after everything's that happened tonight?

Y/N- What do you want from me?

Taehyung carries me all the way to his house, which is right next to mine and plops me down on his balcony.

Taehyung- Let's talk. We haven't done that in a while.

Y/N- Taehyung, it's 3.a.m. Some of us have important work to do in the morning.

If I can gather the courage to go back...

Taehyung- Don't worry. This will only take a minute.

Y/N- Alright. A minute.

Taehyung takes a seat next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder protectively.

Y/N- Okay, I'm here. Could you please explain yourself? 

Taehyung- Not yet. First, you're going to tell me what got you so upset.

How does he know I'm upset?

Taehyung- You can't hide it from me. I know better that you know yourself.

Y/N- Someone played a prank on me at the lab.

Taehyung- What kind of prank?

Y/N- It was pretty horrible. This guy, pretended he was a monster and this girl pretended she was dead. He attacked me and my colleague helped me get away and drove me home.

Taehyung- What?!

Taehyung cracks his knuckles.

Taehyung- Tell me who it was. I'll make sure they get what they deserve.

Y/n- No, you won't. I'm used to this by now.

I tell him about the dead rat I found on my desk. Somehow, I end up ranting about everything bad that's happened lately.

Taehyung- You should have told me about all of this earlier.

Y/N- And then what? You'd go to the lab guns blazing and demand that they stop bullying me?

Taehyung- I would have done something. I promised your parents to protect you no matter what.

Y/N- Well, it doesn't matter. We were both too busy to talk lately.

Taehyung- I wasn't busy. You know that you can call me in the middle of the night if you need help, right? You're like my little sister.

Y/N- I know. I appreciate that, Taehyung.

Taehyung- Good. Because if you try to avoid me again, I'll have to punish you.

Y/N- I haven't been avoiding you, I just--

Taehyung- You just ignored my every attempt at communicating with you.

Y/N- Taehyung I...

Taehyung- What is it, then?

His dangerously low voice suddenly makes me feel like I/m trapped in a cage with a starving tiger. I didn't realize he felt so strongly about this...I should have expected it. We used to be really close. I'm such an idiot.

Y/N- Look, you did nothing wrong. The work that I'm requires my full attention. I've been so focused on it I...didn't realize we haven't talked in so long. I'm sorry.

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