Chapter 30

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“Is everything in place?”

I asked my employees as I went through the entire collection for the third time.

“Everything’s fine, Tasha. You need to stop stressing out.” Adriana said as she walked into the room, already dressed in the outfit she would be modelling. “Now, you need to get dressed. It’s starting soon.”

She took my dress off the rack and shoved it into my hands. “But I still have to go through the collection and…”

“Hey! You are not the only one who worked hard for this day. I did, we all did. So would you please get dressed and don’t ruin this for us.”

I sighed and winced at her words. She has been harsh lately but I don’t blame her, we have all been on edge, me especially. I’ve been working my ass out. It was the only way I could stop thinking about Adrian, not like it even working.

“Girl! You look like trash. Don’t let me repeat myself.”

I hurriedly rushed into the changing. I gasped as I stared at myself in the mirror. She was right. I did look awful. My make-up from yesterday was smudged. I had forgotten to take it off because I was working overnight.

I went to was my face, before taking off my pants and blouse and slipping into the beautiful silver dress.

I immediately felt different. One thing I realised ever since I’ve been working as a fashion designer is that the perfect outfit always does wonders. It could make your eyes pop, it could give you confidence, it could make your skin glow and enhance your shape. And that was exactly what happened as I slipped into the dress.
It was the same dress I designed the other day. I was still surprised that my team managed to finish it so fast and it still turned out so beautiful.

I slipped on a matching pair of silver heels and walked into the room, where Adriana and other makeup artists were busy doing their magic on the models faces.

I sat in front of Adriana and she immediately started adding primer, foundation and concealer on my face.
She was the fastest makeup artist I’ve ever come across. She was done after about three minutes and then she started applying makeup on her own face.

I went to check to make sure everything was in place. We were going walk the runway first before giving our speech. Then we our anniversary party would begin. After this, I was going to take a one-week break.



It was when I stepped on stage, when everyone was staring at me with smiles and judgemental eyes, when my heart was pounding in my chest, when I felt so dizzy, that was when I saw him.

His eyes first caught my attention. Despite how far away we were, I was still enchanted by them.

The next thing I noticed was his hair. His dark brown, almost black hair that was gelled back with only one strand falling on his eyes. Oh, how I wanted to run my fingers through it and mess it up.

My eyes then trailed over to his face and by his face, I meant his lips. Is it weird that my only wish is a kiss from him? I just really want those lips on mine.

“Welcome everyone.” Adriana started the speech. That was supposed to be my line but since I was… busy, I kind of zoned out. I took over the next line of the speech, and we just kept interchanging until the end, just as we practiced.

When we were done, I literally sprinted off the stage. I was in the same changing room trying to calm my racing heart, when I heard the door open.

“Hey! That was…. Why don’t I ever get used to public events?”

Adriana still didn’t say anything. “Isn't your heart beating like crazy? Cause mine is.”

“You need help with it? “
I gasped and turned around at the sound of his voice. What is he doing here?

“Cause I know somethings that can definitely make it worse.”

I gulped. He was at it again; teasing me and making my heart go crazier than it already is.

And like always, I could not resist him, but that did not mean I could not try. “You sure about that? Cause I do not think there is anything that can make it worse, rather, I do not think there is anything YOU can do that can make it worse. I’m over you now, Adrian.”

I said with confidence that I did not even know I had. I made sure to spell each word out without using contraction and then turned around to leave.

Suddenly, I felt him grab my wrist and pull me closer before connecting his lips with mine.

When I first started writing, I expected this book to have only 30 chapters but I ended up writing 32 chapters, and might even write more, if you guys want an epilogue.

I can't believe they finally kissed but it's towards the end of the book. What is wrong with this author?😂🙄

Their kiss will be explained and exaggerated in the next chapter, so make sure you vote for this one.

I would also like to know if you guys think my writing has improved. Thank you for reading 💖

Getting Him Through Reverse Psychology (GHTRP)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें