Chapter 19

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I’ve been in quite a lot of awkward situations, maybe even more than normal. And each time I always try to stay calm and careless which I awfully fail at.

Which is why I’m desperately wondering why I was not freaking out right now. I was seated in my crush’s car, Adrian and he was driving me to meet Kyle, my date. If that wasn’t awkward, then I don’t know what is.
I also don’t know the reason why I am not freaking out. I was quietly sitting in the passenger’s seat, staring out of the window.

This would never have happened if not for my evil best friend, Adriana.

Let me explain, after she did my amazing makeup, she claimed to have a stomach ache and even somehow managed to have a fever. I honestly would have been worried but there was a fall in her façade. When I offered to stay home with her, she seemed terrified and literally shoved me into Adrian’s car, telling me he would be glad to drive me.

I looked over to Adrian. He was glaring at the road and his hands were white from gripping the steering wheel to tight.

He didn’t seem happy about driving me. He probably would prefer to be at work than to act as my driver.

I was confused. I didn’t know if that conversation made us friends. I was still under the impression that he only saw me as his sister’s best friend.
But if that was the case, then why did he open up to me like that.

I sighed as I couldn’t figure anything out. I felt the car slowing down and realised that we had arrived. Whispering a small thanks to Adrian, which he didn’t respond to, I grabbed my bag and got out of the car.

My mother had sent me the location of a small but fancy café where I was to meet Kyle.

As I entered, I scanned the place. It wasn’t crowded but it also wasn’t empty. It had a really homey feeling. I saw various couples sitting by each other, talking and having brunch.

Amongst all the lovey-dovey couples, there was only one table with a blonde haired man sitting by it. I walked towards him.


He slowly turned around and it was like a scene from an Indian movie. When I finally got a glimpse of his face, I gasped. His Instagram pictures did absolutely no justice to his good looks.


I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. When I sat opposite him, he smiled at me.

Why are guys smiles so heart-fluttering?

“I got to say, you’re way prettier in real life.”My cheeks became pink at his compliment.

“Thanks.” I whispered.

“You’re blushing?” He chuckled.
I laughed nervously. “I don’t get compliments often.”

He seemed a bit shocked. “Well, I have to say, the people around you are blind.”

I laughed at that. He really knew how to charm a lady.

We ordered our food. I decided to get a French toast with an orange juice while he ordered waffles and a black coffee with only two sugars.

We talked about basic things like our jobs and how we were both set up for this date. So far it’s been good.

“Okay, I’m curious.” I said as I put the last piece of bread in my mouth. “Did you dye your hair?”

He smirked. “You’re really observant. I did.”

I hummed and nodded as I continued to shamelessly admire his hair.

I really liked the colour. It was blonde but also looked kind of brown under certain lighting. The root of his hair, however, was black. I supposed that was his natural hair colour.

“You really like it, huh?”

I nodded. “I do.”

“In that case, would you like to dye your hair?”

I looked at him in shock. Was he serious?

I once considered dying my hair, but I wasn’t sure what I would look like. I wasn’t one to take risks.

Adriana dyed her hair red one time. I looked good but she didn’t like it. That may be one of the reasons why I never tried it. I guess I was afraid I wouldn’t like it.

“Let me guess, you’re not the type to take that kind of risks.”
I chuckled. “it’s like you read my mind.”

“Well, you aren’t that hard to read. I bet I could predict a lot of things about you.”

I gave him a challenging look like I was trying to tell him I dare you to try.
He leaned forward. “Okay. You have a best friend you’re really close to. You are hardworking and quite successful.”

“Those are pretty random things. I bet you already looked me up.”
He nodded but still didn’t back down.

“You are reserved and collected but you can be really shy and clumsy when you are flustered.”

Okay, he got that part right.

“You have fallen in love before. Only once though. And I bet you are still in love with him. It’s either he has a girlfriend or you aren’t his type. He’s definitely aware of your feelings for him because you seem like a kind of person that can’t keep it to herself.”

“Hey!” I shouted defensively. “I have been keeping it to myself for more than 15 years.”

He smirked. “So I was right.”

I rolled my eyes at him.

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