Chapter 27

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Adrian’s POV

I was lying shirtless on my couch with various gummy bears all over the place. This is what I look like when I’m depressed.

I groaned and grabbed another handful of gummy bears and shoving them into my mouth. Gummy bears are my comfort food. I always make sure I never run out it.

This is the real me. The Adrian Brooke that has a weird obsession with gummy bears and is moody most of the time. A lot of people don’t this this about me. Heck, even my sister doesn’t know about this. The only person that has ever seen this side of me is Nevaeh. She has seen me but the only person I’ve ever really talked to about my true self is Natasha.
No one has ever confused me the way she did. I was still reluctant to admit that I like her because I’ve never liked anyone before.

I heard the front doors click and Nevaeh walked in. she was wearing a pink pleated skirt and tank top. She had a bag of groceries in one hand and her ridiculously tiny bag in the other.

“You look like you’re on your period.”
I scoffed. “I feel like I’m on my period.”

She gave me a look. “You don’t know how it feels like to be on your period.”

“I know it’s painful, isn’t it?”

“It’s more than painful. Its excruciating.” She went to the kitchen to place the bag of groceries. When she came out, she threw her tiny bag on one of the chairs and sat opposite me on a couch.

“Can anything really fit that bag?”
“Of course not, don’t be dumb.”

“Then why do you carry it around.”
She kicked off her shoes before lying on the couch with, facing the ceiling.

“Cause its pretty.”

I sighed. “I can never understand women.”

She turned her head to face me. “A minute ago, you were saying talking about how you understand the pain women go through.”

I scoffed. “That’s different.”

“Is it?” She raised a brow. “Well, it doesn’t matter because women are to be loved, not to be understood.”

“Hmm… that’s a nice one. Where did you get it from?”

“Oscar Wilde.”

I hummed. And we just remained silent, both of us lying on opposite couches. She was still facing the ceiling while I was dangling on the edge of the chair as blood rushed to my head.

It wasn’t a comfortable position but i was already in this position for almost five minutes. I was adapting to the pain. If I had to move, it’ll take about another five minutes to get used to that position. So I stayed there, bearing the discomfort.

That was how I am. I would rather go through pain as long as I am familiar with it rather than choosing a happier and comfortable but unfamiliar situation. And that’s exactly what im doing when it comes to Natasha as well.

“So…” Nevaeh asked, facing me again.


“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” she started. “That girl, Natasha, who is she to you?”

I thought for some time. Who is Natasha to me?

She is someone I have chemistry with, obviously. I knew she liked me. I’ve always known she’s liked me. However, did I like her back, I’m not sure. Or maybe I am.

“She… well. Uh, it’s complicated.”

Nevaeh hummed. “So, you do have a relationship with her, right?”

“Kind of.”


“I wouldn’t say friends.”


I shook my head.

“Friends with benefits?”

“No! Jeez.”

“Then what?” she was confused, but so was I.

“We are… uh. There’s really no term to describe our relationship.”

“Then explain it to me.”

“No.” I finally got up in a sitting position, picking some gummy bears and placing them in my mouth.

“Dude! Come on. I’m your best friend. You’re supposed to tell me everything.”

When I still didn’t say anything, she whined, “Remember when I came out as a lesbian? You were the first person I told. Also, when I had a crush on Emily. You were the first person I told. Not my mum, who is weirdly overly supportive of my dating preferences, not my dad, and not even Emily, It was you.”

I glared at her. If there is one thing she’s great at, its manipulation. But that makes sense seeing as psychology is her major.

“I hate you.” I glared at her but she smirked at me instead.

“She has had a crush on me since forever.”

“Before you moved to Britain?”

I nodded. She was shocked, even I was just as surprised. I didn’t think it’s possible to like someone for so long.

“And you. Do you like her?”

I scratched the back of my head. “I’m not sure.”

“How can you not be sure?”

“I’ve never liked anyone you know.”

She hummed and we both were silent till she said, “How about this, how do you feel when you’re around her?”

“It depend. Sometimes, I feel comfortable. So comfortable that I told her every single thing about me.”



“Even your weird obsession with gummy bears.” I nodded. “didn’t she think it’s weird?”

“No.” I shook my head. “She was relieved that I had a bad habit. An imperfection.”

Nevaeh hummed. “She’s one of a kind.”

“She is.” I started to go googly eyes, thinking of Natasha’s face and her new hair colour that suits her perfectly, when Nevaeh urged me to go on.

“Other times, I feel hot, so fucking hot inside that it kills me to keep my desire all to myself. She turns me on like no one else does.”

Nevaeh nodded. I felt like I was in a therapy session. “I love teasing her. I love seeing her cute blush. I love how she can be so daring at times but she can also be really timid.”

“Your symptoms seem familiar, but I have one question though. When did you start feeling all this?”

“Before I left, I never really saw her as anything than Adriana’s best friend. These feelings started not long after I got back.”

Is it just me that loves the real Adrian Brooke? A guy who is addicted to gummy bears and understands the pains women go through every month.

I hope you guys enjoyed Adrian's point of view, cause I enjoyed writing it.
Also, what do you think about Nevaeh?

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