Chapter 14

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“Girl! If you don’t open this door, I’m going to break it.”

Adriana had been in the bathroom for a good ten minutes claiming she was changing into her workout outfit.

She opened the door and stared at me with desperation.

“No, I’m not changing my mind. You’re exercising with me and that’s final. That’s what you get for ditching me.”

It’s 6 o’clock on a Monday morning and we were both dressed in comfortable tights and sport bras from our brand.

There was a little logo of our brand carefully woven into the clothing. Mine was a black colour while hers was baby pink.

We both headed to the gym which was part of my addition to our house.

“Wait, I forgot the speaker.” Adriana said as soon as we got to the gym. She jogged back to get it.

I don’t know why some people are so particular about listening to music while working out. Does it really make a difference?

Still having that thought in mind, I walked into the gym.

Whatever thought I had suddenly vanished as I set my eyes on the view in front of me.

Mind-blowing, jaw dropping, breath-taking eyes-widening. I was trying to come up with words that perfectly describes what my eyes was seeing.

My mouth was hanging open, literally. And I didn’t bother to close it because the view in front of me was totally worth it. 

Adriana was exercising. His upper body was bare, which meant his packs were on full display. His chest was glistening with sweat which for some reasons made it even more attractive. He was lifting weights and my insides clenched at the view of his muscles.

I would pay a million dollars just to see this every day.

He hadn’t noticed me yet so I managed to shut my hanging mouth and clear my thoughts, which actually took a lot of effort than I thought it would, before saying, “Good morning.”

He looked at me and I could swear I saw his pupils dilate, but he a bit far so I wasn’t sure. “Hey!”

His voice was deeper than usual and I had to squeeze my legs together to stop whatever sensation I was feeling down there.

“I hope you don’t mind me being here.” He had stopped exercising and sat on a bench by the mirror. He grabbed a towel and gently wiped the sweat away from his body.

How I wished I was that towel!

“Oh no! It’s fine.” He nodded.

“I haven’t started looking for a house because of all the stress from the ball and being the new CEO but since seems to have died down, ill begin to search as soon as possible.”

“Oh! Okay.” I almost forgot about that. I forgot he wasn’t going to stay here for ever.

“Can’t wait for you to leave.” I turned my head to the direction of the voice and found Adriana standing by the door with a small speaker in her hand and an already opened chocolate bar.

“I know that deep down inside, you like me being here.” He smirked, she scoffed and I just watched their bickering. Although they act like they don’t care about each other, I know they do.

“So you guys want to work out?” Adrian asked as he rested his hands on the surface above him, while sitting which made his armpits visible.

Cleanly shaven. Exactly how I like my guys to be.

I meant it when I said he’s perfect. He has everything I desire in a man; high earning potential, no facial hair, breath-taking eyes, six packs, mental fortitude, good family, ambidextrous.
The only thing missing is that he doesn’t love me.

“Come on Tasha!”

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “What?”

“Well, while you were day dreaming, I convinced this guy over here to be our coach for today since he’s you know…”


My eyes widened. Did I just say that out loud?

Adriana smirked. I couldn’t look at Adrian’s face. It was too embarrassing. But even if I saw his expression, I wouldn’t be able to decipher it.

Throughout our workout session, I didn’t say anything. I tried my best not to meet Adrian’s eyes, even though I felt him looking at me throughout.

We did squats, sit-ups, Russian twists, lunges, lifted some weights and used some of the machines I had formerly purchased.

When we were done, I rushed out of the room. I can’t believe I said something that embarrassing. Why can’t I just be cool around him?

Why can’t he just like me? If he likes me, all these probably won’t be happening. I feel so pathetic. Why do I even have a crush on him?

Cause he’s awesome, that’s why! My conscience reminds me.

I groaned, got into the bathroom and took a long warm bath. When I got out, I got dressed in black pant and blazer with matching heels. I didn’t even bother to eat breakfast before I left for work.

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