Chapter 21

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“I honestly don’t get why you couldn’t hire people to help you with this.” Adriana groaned as she carried a bag into Adrian’s new apartment.

“Why would I do that when I have my lovely sister here to help me? Doing that would just be a waste of money.”

I groaned as I tried to lift one of his bags into the house. Note the key word ‘try’. The bag didn’t even budge.

Why the heck did I spend so many hours in the gym if I couldn’t even lift a simple bag?

“You are the CEO of a huge company. I’m sure you can afford that.” Adriana groaned again as she set the bag down before picking it up again.

Why is hers moving? I spend way more time in the gym than she does.

I struggled to carry the bag again but groaned and fell ungracefully on it. Adrian seemed to notice my pitiful state. He walked towards me and held out his hand.

“You okay?”

I grabbed his hand and he lifted me up but didn’t let go of my hand. I tried not to blush at the sparks that flew when our hands came to contact.

I noticed Adriana speedily walking out of the room with the bag she once claimed was heavy. She seemed in such a hurry to walk out. I glared at her knowing she just wanted Adrian and I to be together.

I haven’t told her that I didn’t want to go on with the plan.

I heard Adrian clear his throat next to me. “I asked, are you okay?”

I nodded. “I’m fine. It’s just that this bag wouldn’t budge. What did you put inside it?”

He shrugged and lifted the bag with one hand. I gasped. Why the heck didn’t it move when I carried it? Did he put something on his hand

Adrian started to walk forward. I ran towards him and held his hand, checking for the magic that he used to carry the weighty bag.

I trailed my finger on his veins and massaged his muscles. I wasn’t sure of what exactly I was looking for.

Adrian groaned and I slowly lifted my head to meet his dark eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing?”
I then realised that not everyone would be able to understand the weird way my brain processes. And by everyone, I meant Adrian, the freakishly handsome man standing in front of me, watching me as I once again make a fool of myself.

“Uh... I…I was j-just… checking for s…something.” I stuttered out. It was not my first time of stuttering in front of him, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing.

“Checking for something? Don’t you realise your actions might affect others?”

“How did it affect you? “I raised my brow at him and folded my arms. What did he mean by affect others? He didn’t seem affected. I was the one literally cowering in shame.

Suddenly he dropped the bag he was holding and pulled me towards him, in a way that my back was against his chest.

“You sure you want to know? Cause I’m not sure that tiny brain of yours can handle it.”

I could feel him smirking against my back. My cheeks reddened as I tried to figure out what he meant.
Did he mean…

My doubts were confirmed when I felt something hard poking my butt. I shrieked and released myself from his grip.

I found him still smirking but his eyes were still dark.
“Or can you handle it?”

I was so flustered that I did not even realise when I gulped and nodded. Realising what I had done, I shrieked and ran out of the room. I could hear him laughing and blood rushed to my face.

I entered another room, leaned against the door, and slid down to the floor. All I could think of is:
Well, that was not supposed to happen.

I tried as much as possible to avoid him throughout the rest of the day. Note, the keyword is tried, meaning, I tried and I failed.

Anytime we came into contact he would wink at me or make flirty comments like “Are you undressing me with your eyes?” or “Take a picture, it’ll last longer”, anytime he noticed me staring at him.
And each time I would blush like crazy and hide.

Luckily, night came soon and the three of us headed towards our house. Adrian wasn’t moving in today; we just took some of his things over.

We ordered some burgers and chips on our way and that was what we ate as dinner. Afterwards, I took a cold shower to calm my nerves even though the weather was a bit cold. I knew I would be a shivering mess afterwards but I needed to get a particular thing, rather a particular person out of my mind.

I got dressed in my usual oversized t-shirt but this time I wore a long loose cotton trouser. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep this night so I didn’t even bother to lay down. Instead I went to the living room.

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