Chapter 17

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Adrian’s Point of View

“And I was so sad and so lonely. And the deadline for that project was just hours away. So I went to a nearby lake and that was when I saw her. She was sitting on a bench eating her third  tub of ice cream. I went to sit by her and she offered me ice cream and we just talked. That was how I met Nevaeh, my best friend.”

I smiled as I recalled the memory. Only Nevaeh and I knew about it and here I was sharing it with my sister’s best friend.

I looked at the woman that was supposed to be listening to me but surprisingly, I found her asleep. She was still sitting and her head was weirdly bent in a way I’m sure is far from comfortable. I could hear her light snores.

Was she really that tired? I guess she was, but I couldn’t blame her through as I checked the time. It was past 3 in the morning.

I remembered how she said she had been working all night and assumed she was indeed stressed out.

Her neck was still bent in a weird way and I decided that it would be way too much stress to move her to her room. I couldn’t risk her waking up.

I gently placed her head on the bed and adjusted her lower body. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled against the comforter I used to cover her.


She did things to my heart. I wouldn’t say I had feelings for her, but I couldn’t deny the evident attraction between us.

She intrigued me. I only ever saw her as my sister’s best friend but lately I’ve realised that there’s more to her.
I knew she had feelings for me. It was so obvious. How she was always flustered and clumsy gave it away.

She stirred in her sleep and I stopped staring at her. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and I laid on the floor.

This was going to be a long a night.

I didn’t understand why I was attracted to her. I met so many ladies, far more beautiful than she is.

Her hair colour was brown, pretty boring.

Her eyes were grey, pretty but nothing special.

She was fit, but I’ve seen women with way more curves.

I have to say, I was pretty impressed at the fact that she was an independent woman, with her own company, but then again she wasn’t the first career woman I know.

And as I keep trying to figure out the exact reason why she has an effect on me, I fell asleep. It wasn’t a comfortable sleep.

Natasha Point of View

Hmm! Is that what it feels like to wake up without a stupid alarm clock blaring into your ears? It feels like heaven.

Hmm! This bed smells really nice, like after shave and sandalwood. When did I buy that perfume?

I opened my eyes. Hmm! Did I redecorate my room? I don’t remember doing that.

Oh wait! This isn’t my room. I think I’m in the guest room.

I laugh to myself. I must have entered the wrong room when I was tired yesterday.

I lay back on the bed. It was way more comfortable than mine.
I got out of the bed and stumbled on something. What is this?

There was something on the floor but it was covered in a white blanket.
I tried kicking it and I heard it groan.

“Stop that!” It can talk?

Wait a second! I recognize that voice.
I gasp. I recognize this room.
I saw a glimpse of brown hair under the blanket. I recognize that hair.

Oh My Gosh! I’m in Adrian’s room. Well, not his room but the room he sleeps in. That’s the same thing, right?
Wait! Why does that even matter? He’s going to wake up soon and find me here.

Don’t you think he already knows you’re here? I mean, why do you think he’s on the floor. He’s such a gentleman. My conscience says. I could imagine her saying that last part with googly eyes. Sorry, I meant, I could’ve imagined, that’s if my conscience has a face or eyes.

I shook my head trying to clear my weird thoughts. Am I always so stupid in the morning?

Adrian groaned again and was about to stand up. I suddenly got off the bed and ran towards the door.

I stopped short however when I came across Adriana. She was already dressed for work and had a worried expression.

“You!” She said as soon as she saw me. She marched towards me and pointed her finger at me. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? I have gone round the house twice, trying to look for you.”

I gave her an apologetic look and she sighed. “Where were you, by the way?”

I meekly looked towards Adrian’s room and saw him coming out. His hair was ruffled and so was his chest, giving him that sexy morning look.

“Oh My Gosh! Did you shag my brother?” she shouted with wide eyes.

Did they have sex? 😲👀 I hope so!

Aren't you guys glad that Natasha has been able to spark Adriana's interest. He finally notices her and even better, he's attracted to her.

Please let me know if you think I did well with writing Adrian's point of view or if I messed it up.

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