Chapter 10

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I gasped as soon as I stepped out of the car. The view was blinding.
Ian held out his hand for me to take.

That reminds me, I do not think I have properly introduced you to him. Remember that guy that came late for the interview. Yeah! This is him, Ian Goldstein.

After the interview, I decided to hire him because he was the only choice I had left. I was not going to organize another interview. I do not think I will be sane if I sit through it. In addition, his credentials were attractive, so that was a huge bonus.

He has been working with me ever since then, and I decided to bring him as my date.

Adriana invited some guy. He looked quite familiar, and even when he told me his name several times, I did not recall it.

Anyway, as we walked in, I was beyond amazed. The first thing that caught my attention was the huge chandelier that hung from the ceiling. It looked so expensive, and I bet it was. It was the most extravagant thing I have ever set my eyes on.

The other thing I noticed was the music. There were musicians at one end of the room, with their instruments. Whatever they were playing was beautiful. It was sweet and pleasant to the ears, at least to my ears.

There was also a huge table opposite the musicians with so many snacks on it. Despite that, servers still went around to serve the world’s most successful men and women.

There were scattered round the huge hall with their dates. As we walked further in, I identified some other people from my line of work.

Giving Adriana a look, we both proceeded to greet others with the aim of expanding our business in mind.

Wait, did I even tell you what her dress looks like?

She was sporting a black evening gown. It had tiny straps but it totally exposed her fair back. It was bold, the kind of bold that only she could pull off.

Her heels were about three inches high, so was mine. Her makeup was anything but neutral. It screamed colour, but was still pretty. You understand, right?

After we conversed with about three people, my eyes started to roam around for Adrian. It has been about twenty minutes since we got here.

“Have you seen your brother yet?” I asked Adriana who just picked up a glass of champagne.

She shook her head, taking a sip from her glass. I was getting worried. “Do you think he’s okay?”

She shrugged me off. “He definitely is. The worst thing that could happen is him being swallowed whole by a dinosaur or being captured by a mafia leader.”

“Girl, that’s not helping.” She seemed to think it was the right time to laugh though because she did, in a very not woman like manner, might I add. I think she might even have snorted.

“He’s fine. He is a grown man. I’m sure he can handle his own shit.”
“You seem to have a lot of courage in me, lil sis!” A voice with just the right amount of a British accent said from behind us.

I turned around so quick; I think I must have sprained my neck.

There he was, looking as dashing as ever. His eyes were as beautiful as ever. He was wearing white, which shocking me at first. I do not think I have ever seen him wear such a bright colour but as always, he looked dashing.

Adriana gave me a look, as if she was trying to say see, I told you he was fine. You were worrying for nothing.
I guess she was right though. I remembered another tip. Do not focus on him.

I tried to make my expression as neutral as I could. He glanced over at me and shot me a small smile. I swear I felt my legs go wobbly and my expression softened.

Suddenly, a slow song started to play. I watched as several people paired up with their partners and began to waltz.

Our eyes locked. He slowly walked towards me, but before he could say anything, Ian came forward and asked me to dance.

Adriana gave me a look telling me to go ahead with it. I then remembered another tip; Do not let him think he is the only one.

Wait, does that even count in this kind of situation? There is nothing going on between Ian and me. Besides, I hardly even know him.

However, he does not know that, my conscience tells me.

And with that thought, I accepted to dance with Ian. I did not get to see Adrian’s expression as I waked to the dance floor with Ian. I am sure Adriana will gist all about it later.
I danced with Ian for some time and made small talk while at it. After the song was over, I looked around to find Adrian but I did not seem to find him.
Suddenly, the room seemed to be closing in on me. I felt like I could hear every chattering and noise in the hall. My dress seemed tight. I walked over to the food table and grabbed a glass of alcoholic wine.

Gulping on it, I noticed a little balcony and decided to get some fresh air. I saw Adriana dancing with some other dude (not her date) and I chose not to tell her. I excused myself from Ian.

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