Chapter 6

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Are you sick and tired of trying to get his attention? Do you want him to notice you?

Well, it seems like you have stumbled on the right article.

I know it seems impossible to force a man to be in love with you (unless you have Amortentia)

However, science and psychology has provided some dating tips and advices to get a man to not only notice you but to spark his interest in you.

Scientist believe, although love cannot be forced, it can be cultivated. Thus, they put together certain tips to help desperate young women out there.

“Hey! There is nothing wrong with wanting a little bit of attention from a man you like. That does not make me desperate. It just makes me human. Besides, I am not desperate. I’ve been living my life without his attention, haven’t I?”

I felt offended by that choice of word, but I continued to read.

NOTE: Reverse Psychology is the advocacy of one course of action in such a way as to persuade someone to take an opposite course.

Note: these tips have been tested repeatedly and are said to work 88% of the time.

Now, with that being said, let us get to it.

1. Ignore him. Pretend like you are not interested, even if you are. Men find it annoying when a girl that used to be all over them now starts to ignore them. This will spark their interests in you.

2. Show confidence. Most men like confident girls.

3. Do not let him think he is the only one. When a man figures out that a woman is keeping her options out, he tends to take action.

4. Do not give him everything right away. Giving him everything he asks for makes him think you are cheap and he will not realise your worth.

5. Have some mystery. Men love mystery.

6. Flirt with him.

7. Less is more. The less you give him, the more he wants.

8. Do not swoon over him. The last thing you want him to think is that you are infatuated.

9. Do not give him all your time. Like formerly stated, less is more.

10. Be sexy. What guy doesn’t like a sexy girl?

11. Be easy on the drama. Men tend to run away from drama, so keep it down a notch.

12. Do not focus on him. Show that you have a life.

13. Do not be easy to please but show appreciation when he makes an effort.

14. Know when to give a little.

15. Do not rush into a relationship. Make sure you are it is what you want.

Please do not forget to give feedback.

“So… what do you think?” Adriana looked at me carefully.

Honestly, I did not know what to think. I could tell just by reading these tips that it would be effective. But the question was that am I willing to try them, and more importantly will they work on Adrian.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Adriana asked when I still hadn’t replied.

I was originally planning to ignore him. After our encounter yesterday, I do not think I can face him. So, I was grateful that the first tip was to do just that.

Actually, I am quite comfortable with some of the tips, the problem was I had no idea how I was supposed to ‘be sexy’ or ‘flirt with him’.

When I told Adriana about my worries, she seemed to jump at the opportunity to ‘teach me the way of life’. She even mentioned something about taking me to shop at a lingerie store, as if I would ever let that happen.

I agreed to do it. It was at least worth a try. I convinced myself that it was the last thing I would do regarding my feelings for him. If this does not work, I’ll give up.

After discussing the plan in Adriana’s bedroom with her lecturing me on how I should approach him and all (I swear she’s paid more attention to her brother and I’s non-existent relationship than she has to any of her ridiculously hot boyfriends), I headed to my room, to take a bath and get dressed.

After spending almost an hour in a refreshingly warm bath, I got dressed in a simple oversized white t-shirt and a pair of slacks. Since it was a Sunday, I just went through some work related documents and some emails.

I was glad that the business was going smoothly and it gave me absolute pleasure to call myself a self-made billionaire.

I was not that ugly either. I had shoulder length, chocolate coloured hair and my eyes were a grey colour with light golden specks. I had a great body too, because of my frequent visit to the gym.

In addition, I had money. Honestly, I do not get what Adrian does not see in me. If I were a guy, I would give my all just to get my own attention.

But then again, Adrian is not just any kind of guy. He has a aura around him that draws me in. He is smart, good-looking and tall. However, that was not why I was so attracted to him. Honestly, I do not even know why I am so obsessed with him.

I did not want to think about him anymore, so I decided to go get something to eat. It was already 11 and I had not eaten anything.

Luckily, I did not run into Adrian on my way to the kitchen. I did not have the strength to cook, not as if I could even cook anything good. I mean, I knew my way around the kitchen. If you give me a recipe to follow, I would get it right. In fact, it would even look very presentable. It is just that it might not taste so good. It is always the salt. It is either it is not enough or it is too much.

Anyways, I grabbed the ingredients for a sandwich and just put everything on top of each other.

I settled down on the kitchen counter and quietly ate my food along with a cup of orange juice.

Half way through my food, Adrian walked in. I visibly stiffened. I have not gotten over his words yet. I still do not know how to face him.

When he noticed me, he sighed. His eyes were filled with guilt.

Right! He should feel bad.

He walked towards me, like he was about to say something. In that moment, I was ready to forgive him if he just apologizes. Then I remembered the first tip.

Ignore him!
Do not give him everything right away.

So, I mustered up courage, hopped off the counter, tossed the rest of my sandwich into my mouth and walked out of the kitchen as if I did not see him.

And there it is. The tips Natasha would use to get Adrian. To know if it'll work, keep reading and make sure to vote for this chapter.

Oh! And leave a comment if you think these tips would be helpful in real life. Personally, I think they will.

I hope you like this chapter and the entire book so far. Thank you so much for reading.

Love_ ADEOLA 💖

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