Chapter 3

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Calm down! Just calm down!

I am on my way to the airport to pick Adrian and I am freaking out. I am going to meet my crush that I haven't seen for so many years.

I wonder what he's going to think of me. Will he finally see me as a woman or still as his sister's annoying best friend?

When we were little, I never really got the courage to talk to him. Yes! We did play together but only when Adriana was there.

She was the only one that knew about my crush and she supported me wholeheartedly. She would try to set us up but I guess Adrian never really liked me.

I think he is also aware of my obsession with him. Then, how could he not be? I used to stare at him like a creep and I still even stalk him on social media sometimes.

"Miss! We've arrived." I smiled at the driver and got out the car.

Did you think I was driving myself? I cannot drive to save my life.

Although I do have a driver's license and all, I am just always scared whenever I am on the road.
Do not ask how I got a license!

I walk smartly through the crowd, looking for a brown haired man with blue eyes. After looking for about 10 minutes, I gave up and dialled Adriana's number.

"Hey! Are you there yet?"

"Yeah! But I cannot seem to find him. Did you tell him I'm coming to pick him up?"

“Yeah, but I doubt he recognizes you. You've had a huge glow up; you know?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever. Just send me his number. Or just call him"

"That's way too much stress. I told you to make a sign."

I sighed. "Okay... I am sorry. I should have. Just call him for me, 'kay?"

"I'm not going to do it for free!"

"Girl! Don't you want to meet your brother?"

"Nah! He's too annoying."

What kind of girl is this? "Yeah, that's true. Just please call him. Or just send him a message."

"Why? Are you that eager to meet him? Your long lost love?" She giggled.

I swear I'm going to kill this girl when I see her. "I'm not in love with him" I scoffed. “That was a long time ago."

"Nah! I think you still like him. If not, you wouldn't have offered to pick him up from the airport."

"Girl! You know I didn't mean to." I sighed. "Just please call him."

"Argh! Fine. I will. You owe me though."

"Thanks!" I hung up on her and massaged my temples. She always seems to give me a headache.

But is she right? Do I still like him?
I don't, right?

My phone vibrated. Adriana sent me his number. I sighed.

Dialling his number, I placed the phone on my ear, waiting for him to pick up.

He answered on the third ring.

I mustered up courage. "Is this Adrian?"

"Yeah, it is. Natasha, right?"

I hummed. "How'd you know?"

"My sister told me she'll give you my number."

"Oh! Okay." For a second there, I almost believed he recognised my voice. I am so pathetic.
"Um... Where are you?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. I'll find you."

"Umm... Do you even know what I look like?"

He was quiet for some time.
"What are you wearing?"

"Blue jeans and a white tank top with a jacket on top."

"Okay. I'm wearing all black. I'll come to you soon!" And without waiting for my reply, he hung up.

Oh my! He is wearing all black. I was starting to imagine how hot he is going to look.

Not long after though, I felt someone whisper my name.

Turning around, my eyes met with his blue ones. It has been so long since I have seen him.

His eyes were as beautiful as ever. They still held that mysteriousness as always. He smelt like sandalwood and I unconsciously breathed in, trying to get more of his delicious smell.

He had the body! I could see his taut muscles under his long sleeved black t-shirt. And he was tall, like I mean really tall.

I wasn't wearing heels but I reached his chest level.
Overall, he was still the definition of my perfect man. My dream man!

"Excuse me! Aren't you Natasha?" His deep voice, laced with a sexy accent, pulled me out of my thoughts.

I cleared my throat. "Yes, I am. Adrian, right?"

He nodded and began to walk forward, taking long strides. I had to jog to keep up with him.

We both sat in the back seat as the driver drove us to the house.

None of us said anything. He was staring at his phone and I closed my eyes with my head on the door.

No, I was not asleep. Every organ in my body was very alert because he was sitting next to me.

I had to agree with Adriana. I guess I still have a crush on him.

I wasn't supposed to publish this today but I was so excited that I couldn't wait till tomorrow.

I hope you like it. Much love 💕

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