Chapter 2

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Pretty Girl.

That's the name of our company. We deal in the creation of make-up and clothes. I am in charge of the clothing section while Adriana is in charge of the make-up section.

I smiled as I got out of the car and stared at the building in front of me. A sixteen-storey building.

Staring at my achievement was something I did every time I came to work. It gave me the confidence to do better.

I walk in with Adriana by my side, watching as our employees bow their heads in respect.

Not to brag, but I am a big shot. Pretty Girl is in the top five as one of the biggest beauty companies in the States. Technically, that means, I am a billionaire, although I do not act like one.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I say goodbye to Adriana before walking into my office.

It was simple but sophisticated, just like me. The walls were grey, but the furniture were white.

I walk to my desk and stare out the window that overlooks the beautiful city. Sighing, I settle down before starting to work.

I have been working for some hours and I decided to take a break. Okay, maybe I am not so hardworking after all.
I went towards the kitchen and made two coffees, one for me and the other for that big head.

I proceeded to her office and walked in without knocking.

Her office was similar to mine, just a bit more over the top. Her head was on the table, making me think she was sleeping.

However, as I walked closer, I heard her quiet sobs. Dropping the coffee in my hand, I hurriedly went towards her.

"Hey! Hey! What's wrong?" I gently raised her face off the table. Her eyes and nose were red. She had been crying for a long time.

When she saw me, she hugged me and I let her stay that way, patting her back and telling her it would be all right.

When she calmed down, I gave her the coffee and we both sat on a couch.

"Uncle's dead!"

"What?" My eyes widened. "When? How? That is not possible. He was fine last time we went to meet him. He was stable. The doctors said that."

She placed her hand on mine, when she noticed I was freaking out. "He had an attack yesterday night. His funeral will be held this Saturday. Adrian is coming back."

Adrian. Her twin brother. I forgot to mention him. The three of us grew up together. We did literally everything together, until their parents died.

Adrian was sent to Britain to study while Adriana remained here with her uncle. I have not seen him since he left. Oh! Did I mention I have a huge crush on him?
Well, that's not important right now.

We left work early that day to visit his family. The burial was to be held in two days.

When we got home, we packed a few clothes and drove to his house. More like his mansion.

Did I mention her uncle was a billionaire?
Well, he is. He owns Brooke's Enterprise and now that he is dead, Adrian will have to take over because Uncle James had no children.

Anyways, we got to the house in about 20 minutes. We paid our respects to his family and sympathized with them.

Uncle James was a good man. Despite the fact that he was rich, he had a really big heart. But unfortunately, he was diagnosed with cancer not long ago. I know, the world is a cruel place.

Night came fast and Adriana and I slept over in one of their guest rooms. She was still shaken by the news so I had to pet her to sleep.

Not long after she fell asleep, I felt sleep consuming me too.


The next morning, Adriana felt much better. We both were dressed and helped with the burial preparations.

I was going through the list of people that were invited to the event when I heard someone call my name.


I turned around to find Uncle James' wife, Aunt Angela. She is a petite woman with striking green eyes and black hair.

Her beautiful eyes now held so much sadness and I felt sad for her. She was still so young for such tragedy.

She smiled at me but it did not reach her eyes.

"Thank you for being here." I nodded and smiled at her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I never understood why people say that but I said it anyway.

She smiled again. "I have a favour to ask of you."

I nodded, already agreeing to it. "Sure! What is it?"

"Adrian is coming back today."

Oh! It's about him. "Yeah, Adriana told me. Do you want me to pick him up from the airport?"

"No! That won't be necessary but since you offered, that would be great."

Argh! Dang it! I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

"But that isn't what I want from you. As you know, he's going to be taking over Brooke's Enterprise."

I nodded. "But he doesn't have a house yet."

I nodded again. For some reasons, I did not like where this was going.

"I already spoke to Adriana and she was okay with it. She said I should talk to you.
He's going to be living with the both of you till he finds a house that satisfies his taste."


And that's chapter two. I feel this chapter is so much more better than the first one, what do you guys think?

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