Chapter 22

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“I think you have something on your butt. Oh wait, that’s just my eyes.” I scoffed.

“My name might not be Luna, but I sure know how to Lovegood.”

“Are you a light switch because you sure know how to turn me on.” I blushed at this.

“You must be a magician because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”

He smirked. “I think you have something on your face. Oh wait, that’s just your beauty.”

At this point, my face was as red as a tomato. “Fine, I give up. You win.”

Never in a million years did I think I would be sitting in the balcony on such a beautiful night, exchanging cheesy pick-up lines with Adrian. But here I am doing just that.

You probably don’t understand. Let me take you a few hours back.


When I got to the living room, the lights were turned off and I couldn’t see a thing. I sighed as I started to look for the switch. We really needed to get one of those automatic lights.

When I couldn’t find it, I sighed and collapsed on a couch. I felt something under me. Thinking it was probably a cushion; I wiggled my butt on the cushion and felt it move under me.
I tried it again and I still felt it move under me. I tried to stand up but I felt someone’s hand holding me in place.

“Stop moving. You’re making it worse.”

There are only three people living in this house. And the voice was too deep to be Adriana’s so that could only mean…


I stood up as fast as I could. I heard him get up. He shuffled round the room. Was he trying to find something?

I guess he was because the lights were suddenly turned on. I stared at him and just like I expected, he was turned on.


He didn’t say anything but kept staring at me intently. His eyes were dark and he seemed to be gulping every now and then.

Say something to relieve the tension. Don’t just stare at him like you’re ready to devour him. My conscience said.

What do you mean? I’m not staring at him like that.

Girl! You are literally staring at him as if you want to fuck him right now.

Language! Besides I am not even staring at him.

Uh! Yes, you are. You are staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth.

I defensively shut my mouth that I did not even realise was open.

Adrian continued to stare and I felt as if the ground should have mercy on me and just swallow me whole.

Say something!

Like what?

I don’t know. Anything reasonable. Oh! I forgot you do not even have common sense.

Hey! You are my conscience, aren’t you always supposed to have my back.

No, I’m supposed to tell you what is right and wrong, and you always acting like a fool in front of this freakishly handsome man is wrong in so many ways. So think of something to say.

“Doesn’t it feel hot in here?” I chuckled nervously.
Nice one.

I smirked at the fact that I didn’t embarrass myself again. However, I was not lying. It was weirdly hot in here.

Adrian smirked as he was about to say something but before he could even get a word out, I freaked out and ran for it. I ran into the balcony.

I sighed as I breathed in the fresh air, the less tense air, the air that wasn’t filled with Adrian’s ridiculously amazing perfume.

Actually, I think I could still smell his perfume. Was he here?

I turned around only to find my face in contact with Adriana’s broad chest.
As you can guess, I turned red. The reddest a blushing person may be.

“If bumping into me makes you blush that much, now imagine what hugging or even kissing me could do.”
My heart was a beating mess at this moment.

“Hmm… is it weird that I am curious? I desperately want to know what will happen if I kiss you. Don’t you want to find out?”

I was not going to let him get the best of me. He had no idea how much his words mean to me. To him, he was just teasing me and I would like to keep it that way.

I cleared my throat. “I have to say, you are exceptionally good at these kind of lines.”

He moved back and smirked. I guess he was surprised that I did not make a fool out of myself this time.

“But I am better. I have read much more romantic novels than you have. I know so much more cheesy lines than you do.”

He scoffed. “That’s impossible. Cheesy is my middle name.”

“It is?”

He seemed confused. “No! It’s just like a thing you say when you’re trying to brag about something.”

“Oh yeah.”

And that was how it started. How we both started to exchange cheesy lines.
There was a tip that said to flirt with him. I was not sure if this was considered as flirting, but I was doing it anyway.

Does that mean I still want to go on with it?


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